Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Whole Bag of Apples

Well.  I survived day two as the brand new teacher.  I wasn't quite as prepared lesson-wise for this day, but we made it just the same.  And our whiteboards are pretty much completely filled.

This morning one of my 6th graders marched into the classroom and handed me a plastic bag full of apples.  Wow!  Yesterday during lunch we were talking about our favorite fruit and I had mentioned I could eat an apple everyday.  She had said her family had an apple tree and she would bring me some tomorrow.  I completely forgot about it until she showed up with her present!

One of the 1st and 2nd graders was having a birthday, and he brought treats.  I guess teacher's get super special privileges, because I came in from recess and saw that little boy had put one of his birthday cupcakes on my desk!  I waited until after school to eat it, and it was very tasty.  There was some sort of chocolate in the middle, and since it was hot out today, the chocolate was melty... yum!

Speaking of melting, recess was pretty hot and sweaty today.  We played Elbow Tag (kind of like Blob Tag, but linked at the elbows instead of holding hands).  I even joined in.  I think that's the most running I've done all summer.  Whew!  During lunch recess, the 6th grade girls caught the frog that's been hopping around.  I'd really like to keep him as a pet, but number one: we don't have a place to put him, and number two: we don't have anything to feed him.  He ended up jumping on one of the girl's shoes and she just stood there screaming, "Ahhh! Get it off!" 

Today was my first day teaching 7th and 8th grade science.  It went pretty well.  They were very distracted by the layout of my classroom (since it was drastically changed from last year), so I gave them a minute to scope out the room.  I think we're going to lengthen our science/social time a bit because a half an hour is not long enough to get much done. 

Tonight there's an open house at the high school in Nicollet.  I'm heading over there to talk to the science teacher about resources.  Apparently she's been cleaning out her resource cabinet and wondered if I wanted anything.  We'll see what she has available!

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