Friday, October 30, 2020


 The Kahoot went well today! I never quite know how it's going to go when I do it remotely with other people. Sometimes it's laggy, sometimes people talk to loud over video, sometimes I click through things too fast. Or at least I wonder if I do. We couldn't see or hear any other classroom in the zoom meeting. They could hear us! But they muted our classroom so they wouldn't hear anyone discussing answers. My class enjoyed it; they want to do one every major holiday now. I said we'll see...

Covid cases are up in Nicollet county. Not up enough to shut us down, but up enough to make the nurse and cautious parents nervous. Brown county cases are up, but not as bad as Nicollet. Everyone at our school has been healthy! We'll pray that continues.

Thursday, October 29, 2020


It was my turn to clean the bathrooms today. I wasn't dreading it, but I certainly wasn't looking forward to it. We chose days to clean based on whose turn it was for bus duty. As I waited for classes to get on the bus, the 8th grade girls trudged past and said, "We cleaned the bathrooms for you Miss H." What?! Mr. E confirmed their statement. He had them fill the soap, toilet paper, paper towels, and clean the sinks. All I had to do was clean the toilets, sweep the bathrooms, and wipe down the high-touch areas around school. Wonderful! 

He had to clean the bathrooms over the weekend and said it took so long, he couldn't handle making us teachers do it all by ourselves another week. So he had the 7-8th graders take care of some of the easy stuff. Man, that really sped things up. 

Also after school, we teachers practiced for the all-school fall Kahoot we're doing at the end of the day. Since we can't have a Fall Carnival, this is our substitution. The younger grades are going to share one device in the classroom and the 5-8th graders are going to each get their own. I'll run the game from my computer and share my screen with the other teachers in the Zoom meeting. We tried Microsoft Teams this afternoon but it was very slow and lagging, so I decided to do a Zoom meeting instead. Hopefully that makes it better!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Full disclosure, there are MAJOR spoilers for the book/movie Holes, so don't read this post if you haven't seen/read it but want to. 

We watched the movie Holes today. It was the most fun I've had watching the movie with a class. I think the movie is pretty close to the book (with the exception of how thin the movie Stanley is... in the book he's very fat. It's a plot point.). My kids thought the movie was totally different. I'm amazed how many little details from the book they are able to remember!!! 

We got to the part in the movie where *spoiler alert* Kissin' Kate dies and the yellow spotted lizard bites her on the arm instead of the ankle. Cries of outrage! When the boys are supposed to sneak back into camp in the dark and sleep in a hole until it gets a little light (book), the movie has lots of lights and the sky looks like dawn. More outraged students! And don't get me started on the scene where they uncover the treasure... My kids talked over the movie, listing all the ways the movie was inaccurate. 

Before we started the movie, I had thought about making a chart on the board to list similarities and differences. I'm glad I didn't! They were much happier just spewing them out as we went along, and I got the same information about how much they remember from the book. Win win!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020


My kids asked if I'd play basketball with them at noon recess today. So I did. I played in my flats since my tennis shoes weren't at school. Thankfully my feet held up better than I thought they would. I did okay! Most of my shots missed, but eh, such is life. I have a feeling they'll ask me to play again. Maybe I'll redeem myself!

One of their classmates had spent most of recess fixing a math assignment. Once she finished that, she wanted to play too. We had to pause and reconfigure the teams to make it fair... That took some doing since there are so few in our class. Me being on a team kind of messed things up. Eventually I said I just wouldn't play any more to make it easier. Then I played badminton with the one kid who doesn't like basketball.

For afternoon recess we had PE. We're doing dances for the foreseeable future. The boys were NOT happy about that. They kept asking if they had to participate, how long we were going to be dancing for PE, and if we could do it in the classroom so no one could see us. They didn't like my answers. Today we did the macarena and the cha cha slide. 

It went pretty good at first. The iPad plugged into the gym speakers to let the music fill the gym. That drew some curious students from other classrooms. We had gotten the basic moves for the macarena down when a small crowd of 3-4th graders formed at the edge of the gym close to their classroom door. They were on their way back from a bathroom break and paused to watch my class. Then Mr. D came in, saw us dancing, and decided to film us. Sigh. The boys definitely didn't like that one bit. One quit dancing and stood there. The other ran across the gym to hide in the shed. Grr... 

Eventually everyone left us in peace to finish PE. Thursday is our next PE day. My plan is to review the two dances we learned today and start learning the electric slide.

Monday, October 26, 2020


 I'm not ready for winter yet... it snowed a bunch this weekend, although there are only a few inches on the ground. My classroom felt cold all day even though the thermostat says it's 70 degrees in here! 

Our school day was pretty typical. My kids wheeled and dealed to get more read-aloud time (they traded a Daily 5 round in exchange for 15 more minutes of reading). I think we'll finish the book tomorrow. If that's the case, we might be able to watch the movie version on Wednesday. Holes the book and Holes the movie are pretty similar. My kids are currently under the impression they're very different, so it will be fun to watch the movie and compare and contrast the two. November (and NaNo!) are next week, and if we're going to do a class movie I want it to be in October so it won't take away writing time. 

We went super deep into 5-6th science today. Our topic was the kinds of chemical reactions that can happen, which tied into life science/7-8th grade science. They're always begging to be taught that stuff now instead of having to wait two years, so I figured, eh, why not? I pulled up one of the powerpoints on cellular respiration I taught the 7-8th graders two weeks ago (which explains why we need oxygen and glucose/sugar to function). Then we got into what our bodies do with the oxygen and sugar, and how the digestive system and circulatory system tie in... big stuff. 

Some of them got it, others were a bit overwhelmed. All of them wanted to have a day of the week just for learning life science! I said maybe we could make Fridays biology days. We'll see.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Computer Update

 Well, my computer is back in working order, although it did stress me out a bit this morning. 

The IT guys didn't come to school last night. Instead, they made Mr. E come over and they talked him through how to switch out the hard drive in my computer with the one in the office. Since it was switched out, it was like a brand new computer so even though all my files were there, none of the programs needed to open them were there. Not even Google Chrome. I tried downloading it, but it is blocked (the IT guys don't like Chrome). I could download Microsoft Teams, which ended up being good because I had a student learn virtually today. 

Thankfully the IT guys picked up when I called and they remotely took control of my computer to install the apps I needed to get through the day. End of story: we started school 10 minutes late while the computer got its updates.

The rest of our day was pretty typical. We are getting to the exciting part of our read-aloud book (when are we not??) and they wanted me to read more. But they also didn't want to give up their Adjective Game time, so we voted. It was a tie. We split the difference and read for 10 more minutes which still gave us time for a round of the Adjective Game before lunch. Their object to describe was a badminton racket. They're really getting the hang of describing things; one group had 24 adjectives! Only a few didn't actually work! The big argument was "is a badminton racket huggable or not?" 🤔

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Computer Troubles

This morning the sky was all yellow for a few hours. Very strange. We looked it up and decided possible reasons are the fires in California or a lot of moisture in the air (sometimes the air turns yellow before a squall). It rained pretty much all day. 

Also, my computer died today... Yes, the new(ish) one the IT guys switched out for me earlier this school year. Halfway through the morning, the projector screen suddenly went blue, then black with all sorts of code written on it. My computer screen was completely dark. So I texted a picture of the gobbledygook to IT and restarted my computer, hoping that would reset it. Nope. Later, I called them and they walked me through a few things to try. Nope. It was a fix they’d have to do in person. Thankfully the rest of the day did not rely on the computer, so we were able to accomplish my todo list. They said they’d be out tonight to fix it, so hopefully they follow through!

After school, it was my day to clean the bathrooms/high contact areas. It wasn't as bad as I thought. The biggest thing was figuring out what I had to clean and where the supplies were. I finished in about an hour and a half. I guess it was a good thing my computer was dead; cleaning was about the only thing I could do!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


We've been doing NaNo prep this week. It's hard to believe November is only a few weeks away! One of our minilessons was to brainstorm story ideas. I have a Pinterest board of writing prompts, and since I didn't have any idea of what I wanted my story to be about, I scrolled through the board during our Writers Workshop worktime to see what inspiration struck. 

Three ideas jumped out at me, but one of those immediately grabbed my students' attention: at her grandma's funeral, a girl learns that her grandma was the Grim Reaper. In her will, the grandma left the job and all that comes with it to her. I combined it with the idea that she can see everyone's lifespan above their heads and spots someone with an infinity symbol. Then there was the sentence "The first time I met the Grim Reaper, she came for my hamster." 

My class unanimously voted that I tell that story. I was a little hesitant, "But think of how many people are going to die in my story!" Their eyes lit up, "But Miss H, killing off characters is so fun!" "Yeah, it's the best part!" "You told us yourself; you need to be mean to your characters!" ...I did tell them that... 

I tried one last time, "How am I going to come up with all those death ideas?" 
Their response, "We'll help you!" "Yeah!" ...Then a rousing chant, "Do it! Do it! Do it!" 
The bloodthirsty little savages... 😂 So that's the story I'll be doing. We had more work time today to come up with conflict for our stories. My idea is getting fleshed out more and more. I'm getting excited!

Quite a few 7-8th graders are going to try doing NaNo this year; I think we're up to five. I have a separate classroom for them, so during study hall I helped them join that NaNo group. It'll be cool to see how many of them make their word goals!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Snow, Insects, and Kahoot

There is currently about four inches of snow on the ground and it's not supposed to stop snowing until 7pm. I'm glad I wore my boots to school! It didn't start until about 10am this morning. I hadn't checked the weather lately, and I wouldn't have been prepared, but a friend called me on her way to work this morning and mentioned she had worn a 'snow themed' outfit hoping to scare the snow away. 

In other news, our class package to my marine friend finally arrived! He said the mug arrived unbroken and the gingersnaps were even better than the ones I sent in the last package. Good to know they don't go stale! He also commented that he loved the cards, but the handwriting was kind of hard to read on most of them. I passed on the message to my kids and they all looked a little chagrined. Maybe they'll write neater next time!

Now that my students have discovered the joys of Kahoot (an educational interactive quiz/gameshow website), they want to do one all the time. They convinced me we should do one this afternoon during our art time. So we did. We found one about the sleep cycle and learned while we played. They had so much fun they wanted to do a second one, so this time we found one about Fur Traders, which is what we've been learning in Minnesota history. They did great on that one! 

I should really use Kahoot more. It's engaging, they love it, and it can have a bunch of teachable moments if you pick the right one. Ooo... maybe I should make some music appreciation Kahoots! That's one subject that has fallen to the wayside so far this year...

Monday, October 19, 2020


 Yep. It snowed today: huge, fat flakes fluttering down most of the morning and half the afternoon. It turned into rain right before the buses came. Nothing stuck to the ground, but it still annoyed my class. Four of my five listed it as their low of the day. It sure made standing out at the buses yucky! I'm going to have to wear my boots to school from now on, just in case.

Our janitor is off this week due to a family emergency, so we're on our own for cleaning. My class volunteered to divvy up the cleaning duties. Two will empty and fill the sink jugs. Two will wipe down high touch areas and desks. Two will clean off flexible seating. Since we added jobs to the end of the day list, my science time got cut super short today. :( 

Last week I had told them of an experiment they could do with water and paperclips. Because of the shape of water molecules, it's possible to fit a lot of paperclips in a full cup of water without it spilling over. All of them had forgotten to do it over the weekend, and they wanted to do it in class. So we did. We fit 56 paperclips in the tiny cup of water. I hadn't stacked the paper clips very well, so we re-did the experiment to see if I could stack them in a way to fit more in. It worked! We fit 67 in the second time! And that was pretty much all the time we had for science since we had to end early. Chemical reactions will have to wait for another day!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


Everybody's high of the day is that today is the last day of school for the week! We weren't exactly antsy today, but I'm definitely feeling ready to wrap things up and head to Fulda! No teachers conference this year, what with covid, so it's a nice long break.

Since today was our 'Friday', my kids convinced me we should play the Adjective Game. We had ten minutes before lunch, so we did two rounds: a sink drain stopper and a stretchy hook used to hang up the badminton net. The girls won this time. They used the boys' tricks against them!

My class is still loving badminton (they're calling it badminton now) and we played it for both recesses. This morning at my desk I noticed my shoulder muscles are sore. I couldn't remember doing anything super strenuous that would make them tired... during recess I realized, oh, badminton. Stretching up to whack the birdie across takes more muscles than you think! 

Today, the birdie got stuck in the rackets three times! Each time the kid would swing, then look up in the air expecting to see it flying high. Nope. Look on the floor all around in a circle... nothing. Someone would call out, "It's in your racket!" They'd look down and laugh. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020


I passed out midterms today. Not too many grades in the gradebook yet... midterms always seem to sneak up on us. At our last staff meeting we went through and marked all the midterms on the calendar. At least now I'll have a little more warning! 

My kids remembered to leave the laptops open so the IT guys could run updates on them. I'm so proud. I didn't even have to remind them (which is good because I totally forgot until one of them said something). 

They've been asking for beanbags to be brought back into the classroom for a while now, and this morning I finally brought a bunch of them in. My class is responsible enough to handle them. Plus, there are so few that each one could pick a personal beanbag if they're worried about spreading germs. I think we'll be fine. But now that we have beanbags in the classroom, someone has to pick them up each day. One of the boys came up with the idea we should bring back classroom jobs. He said two people could do lunch set up (wipe off the desks before lunch), two can do takedown (wipe desks after lunch), and two can put beanbags away. What a great idea! So today was our first day of that. 

Now that I think of it, I'm not sure if the takedown people wiped off people's desks after lunch... hmm... I'll have to watch tomorrow. Guess what! Tomorrow is the last day of school this week! We're off Thursday and Friday for MEA. And this year there's no teacher conference, so I can be in Fulda for the whole weekend... woohoo!

Monday, October 12, 2020


Man, my kids were on their game today! We're still studying atoms in science and everything I said made sense to them! We talked about bonds and sharing vs giving electrons and how that effects molecules. Then we moved on to the Law of Conservation of Mass (although I didn't call it that) and discussed how no matter is created or destroyed (since Genesis of course), thus what happened to all the molecules of the dinosaurs and plants etc. after the flood. And THEN we looked at how molecules are like legos and can be mixed and matched to make different things... 

Example: Plants take sun (energy) + water + CO2 to make sugars and oxygen. Then humans take sugars (from food) + oxygen to make water and energy. One 5th grader saw the connection right away, "Miss H! They're opposites!!!" Such a good learning day.

The 7-8th graders were on their game too. We did a few mini experiments (that may or may not work... time will tell). One is putting a grape in sugar water, a grape in regular water, and a grape in salt water to see what happens. Diffusion is supposed to happen since there is an area of high concentration of water and an area of low concentration. We'll see if it actually works. 

Then, there's the iodine/corn starch lab. My iodine might be worn out. It doesn't look right in the container. Normally it's a lot darker, like a deep brown. The stuff in my spray bottle is like a dark yellow or light orange. Hmm... I tested it on straight corn starch and it turned the corn starch purple, however, it might not be strong enough to go through a ziplock bag. Corn starch and water are mixed together in a ziplock bag, then placed in a container with water/iodine. The iodine is supposed to diffuse through the bag and turn the corn starch purple or black. I checked on it after school and my test corn starch is now an orangey color. Strange. I might need to toss this iodine and buy new stuff. I wonder if it got too cold or hot in the shed (where I had it stored) and that cut down on the potency. 

Friday, October 9, 2020

No See-ums

Oh man the bugs were HORRIBLE this afternoon. There was a high today of 87 degrees and the skies were hazy with smoke from the California fires. Maybe that's what put them in the biting mood...

Afternoon recess was so bad I sprayed myself with bug spray I keep in my car. I just couldn't stand it anymore! The bus was even worse! My class was out right on time, maybe even a minute or two early, so I had to stand out there even longer... the no see-ums coated my shirt, arms, and neck. Even with the bug spray on!!! After the bus left, all the teachers and the kids who hadn't been picked up yet scurried into school, brushing off the bugs as we went.

I had thought I'd try kayaking again tonight since it's so nice out. Not anymore! I don't want to get bit up!

Our Friday English game was "The Blue Folder Game" aka- calendar writing. Each student gets a folder with a scenic landscape in it (from an old calendar). Keeping it a secret from classmates, they have five minutes to be as descriptive as possible to get their classmates to pick it out of a scenic landscape lineup. They did pretty good for their first try! I threw in some extra pictures to make it more challenging. Plus, all the pictures were fall landscapes, frequently with mountains and/or rivers. 

One student has been learning from home this week, but I found a way she could participate. I sent her a picture of her landscape to describe, then set it aside in a folder to hang up with the rest of the class/extras once we were done writing. After we hung up the landscapes, I sent her close-up pictures of those so she could guess too. My students were shocked it worked so well. Earlier, they had tried to convince me we should play the adjective game again because 'it's the only one [the student] can actually play with us from home!' Ha! Challenge accepted and completed.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Good News Bad News

The good news is that next week is a short week because of MEA. The even better news is that I have 95% of my lesson plans ready to go for next week so I won't have too much to do this weekend. The bad news is that we now have to dismiss class at 2:35 to let the buses get where they need to go in time. My science/social studies time is slowly being chipped away! Now we have to end class at 2:30 so they can get packed up and pray. That's only 20 minutes of class! :( Oh well. Hopefully it won't be for the whole year. 

Bad news: covid cases are up in both Nicollet and Brown counties, but, good news: they are still below the virtual learning threshold, so we can continue to have in-person school! Also, everyone in our school continues to be healthy.

This week the school board and church council decided to cancel the Christmas program, pending any further developments in covid cases. We had a staff meeting today and discussed ways to still have the kids do something to share the Christmas story. Right now our best idea is for each class to record themselves reciting their parts (or the nativity story) and singing a carol in their own classrooms, then splicing them together into one video to show at church/put online for people to watch instead. The 3-4th graders could even dress up in their nativity costumes and act it out! Time will tell if that's the way we'll actually do it. If cases go down and restrictions lift by November 13th, we can reassess and plan an in-person gathering, but for now all the higher-ups are saying no. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Well, last night was an adventure! After supper, Mrs. L and I went kayaking for an hour at the Courtland pond. It would've been nice to be out longer, but it gets dark so fast these days! We got everything loaded back in my car and she took off. I tried to do the same, but my car wouldn't start. Great. By now it was dark outside. I called Pastor, but he was in a school board meeting. So I called school to see if I could catch any of the people at the meeting. No answer. So I called Mr. E figuring if he were in a meeting, he'd still answer my call. He answered! The meeting had just finished and he would come jump my car for me.

Sigh. My car battery is not in a great spot for jumping. It's tucked up under the hood so you can barely get one of the cables to attach to an end. Mr. E had his own cables (mine were buried under my kayak and I didn't want to dig them out unless I had to), but they didn't reach very far. My car wouldn't start and wouldn't start, even when he revved his engine. So I dug out my cables (which stretch further) and attached the ground to the engine block. After that it worked! Whew! Thinking about my battery, I realized it's about seven years old... I've had my vehicle for five years and I've never changed it. So it's about time for a new one.

Mr. E wanted to make sure my car would be good and charged (so hopefully it would turn on in the morning for school), so he had me drive out to school, turn my car off, then start it up again. It started just fine! I parked outside my apartment, just in case the battery would be dead in the morning. It wasn't! God was good and my vehicle started right away. I still made an appointment to get the battery changed after school today. 

My kids were in a goofy mood today. I wonder if the weather is changing; it was super windy all afternoon. They wanted to play badminton at recess (which they all call 'Birdie'), but it was so windy the birdies blew all over the place. We took the net down and are going to try to find a way to put it up in the gym so we can play with no wind.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Asian Beetles

Asian Beetles have taken over the school. Or at least the playground. They were everywhere today!!! And they bite! I told the kids they had to do a beetle check before they came into the classroom so we wouldn't have too many flying around bothering us. I thought I was good when I came in, but there were three that had crawled up my sweater and were in my sleeves! Gross!

Today was an interesting day in other ways too... Yesterday, my projector screen showed up purple and green and fuzzy so you couldn't recognize anything on it. After a call to IT and troubleshooting the usual ways (nothing fixed it), we cobbled our way through the rest of the day. I asked IT if he'd be able to switch my broken projector with a working one after school and IT said he should be able to do it. 

Imagine my disappointment when I turned on the projector this morning and it was even worse! So I texted and said such. Then, I asked if he'd be able to come out to school during the day and switch it... he wouldn't bother my class! No response. So we made due. It wasn't too critical to my plans until the afternoon. Just annoying.

Then, my kids thought we should do read-aloud all morning since the projector wasn't working. We were at the most exciting part of the book, so it wasn't too hard to twist my arm. Man, their predictions were spot on!!! Annnd, we wrapped up the morning with just one chapter left of the book. Another cliff-hanger ending! We'll finish tomorrow and also start a new book. I picked out three more options I think they'll like.

The best part of the day was after teaching the 7-8th graders. Mr. E came back to his classroom and announced, "Miss H, there's a man in your room." Whaaat? I racked my brain trying to figure out who it could be. And who would Mr. E allow into the school during covid... The 7-8th graders were intrigued of course. Then it clicked. "Is it the IT guys?" 

It was! He came to school to trade out my broken projector for a working one. Just in time for my social studies lesson! Praise the Lord! The color is so much brighter and clearer and it has a remote too. I don't know if this is temporary or just a stand-in, but I'm happy to have it.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Tortoise Mom

There were a few random moments of funniness today...

You know how some people call themselves 'dog moms' when they don't have any children but their dogs are practically children to them? One of my students said to me out of the blue, "You know what I just realized Miss H? You're a tortoise mom!" 🤔🤣

At afternoon recess, the boys pretended to be kung fu masters when they served the ball in 4-square. Lots of "hiyah!" and karate chopping the ball.

Other than that, not too much out of the ordinary today! In science we practiced finding the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in elements and put electrons into orbitals. We ran out of time and my kids all freaked out, "What?! We're done already! But I haven't finished yet!" I couldn't tell if they were shocked it was time to go home or if they were freaking out that they'd have homework... We're saving the rest of the project for another day, so, no homework.

Friday, October 2, 2020


I FINALLY have the package ready to go for my marine friend. Everything is labeled and taped up. I hope it will get to the right place... the address doesn't have Japan anywhere in it. Still, it's the address he gave me. Maybe military bases have their own post office. It's too bad our post offices close so early. I'm heading to Fulda this weekend, but both the Courtland and Fulda post offices are closed already. So, I'll need to make a special trip in tomorrow. I don't want the cookies getting too stale before they arrive in Japan!

School today was pretty typical. One girl stayed home today and tuned in remotely. We were going to do calendar page writing for English, but my kids suggested the adjective game again because then she could participate with us easier. It was another great matchup! The boys won this time. We only had time for two rounds: a chocolate covered almond and a metal slinky. They came up with great words!

For recess we played 4-square and bombardment (our version is a little more similar to the game Trench). They painted their bible covers, we gave Joe a bath and let him wander the room, did our rounds, ate lunch, did Spanish Tap Game (colors), and did a bit of Minnesota history to end the day. 

I'm glad it's the end of the week. I can tell some of my kiddos are feeling extra tired! One boy cried during afternoon 4-square because a classmate 'targeted' him and got him out. A little while later, this kid 'got revenge' and made his classmate get out. He kept saying, "Revenge is so sweet!" I told him, "Vengence is mine saith the Lord!" (something my mom would say to us girls practically every day growing up) "Now, you can't complain about [the student] targeting you, because you just did the exact same thing back to him!" He didn't say another word about targeting the rest of recess.

Thursday, October 1, 2020


 As much as I'm annoyed that we have to eat lunch at our desks (to social distance), not needing the white table every day has been super handy! Right now painting supplies are scattered all over the surface... 

A few years ago, someone gave me a bunch of cloth bible covers. My classes have been too big to have enough to paint them for an art project (or I forgot I had them), but this year's class is just right. Tuesday we planned what design we wanted on the covers. Today we began painting. 

Mrs. E lent us the bin of acrylic paint from her 7-8th grade stash. Lots of neat colors to choose from! We barely got started when it was time for PE. I had enough big plastic ziplocks we could save the paint for tomorrow. A few kids kept the paint in their desks, but a lot left the paint trays and the drying bible covers on the table. Like I said, it's handy to be able to leave things out overnight.

For PE we played bombardment. We were going to do badminton, but it's windy and cold outside and it would be somewhat complicated to set up the nets in the gym for a game. But... we had to make teams. Ugh, making teams is so hard when you only have six students. I am horrible at making fair teams. A few weeks ago I made a list of all the ways we could divide the six into two teams to try to make it easier in the moment. Most of them are unfair. Still, depending on the activity, some might be okay. 

I wanted one of the kids to pick which teams we'd use, but none of them wanted the pressure. But then after I announced the teams, they hollered the teams were unfair. Ha! Guess what. You should've picked which teams you wanted when I gave you the chance. The unfair teams made the game go fast and we switched it up for the next round. Every time I announced the new teams, they'd yell, "We already did those teams last time!" meaning the other days we've had PE. I was skeptical. We haven't had that many PE classes! So, today I marked which teams we've tried so they can't tell me, "We did those teams already!" There was one grouping they all thought seemed fair, so I put an F by that row. Hopefully that will make PE go a slight bit better from now on.