Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Recess from the Black Lagoon

You've heard of the teacher from the Black Lagoon, but how about the recess?  Today sure felt like it.

By the time I walked outside, they'd already started up a game of softball.  One of the kids owed me a worksheet, so I sent him in to go get it/finish it.  I had written a note on the board this morning asking him to check my room for his missing worksheet (I found one left by the computers that had his name on it).  A few minutes later he came hustling back outside with the 7th and 8th grade sub and the other students who'd been working on late work.  I thought he had handed in the worksheet, but the sub told me he made everyone come outside because of some drama that had been going on in their room (he thought it would be better if they were all together outside).

After recess, on our way inside, I asked the kid if he had finished his worksheet.  "I don't have it!"  Trying not to roll my eyes, "Did you read the note I wrote on the board?  To see if it's in my room?"  "Yes. I did."  Ha, I had seen neither hide nor hair of this guy all morning and I said so.  His reply, "Oh, I guess I forgot."  "Okay, well come in and grab it right away so you can get it finished."

During recess we had more injuries happen than have happened all year.  The first was when a ball bounced up and whacked a 7th grader on the cheek.  He was fielding between second and third and I heard the SMACK from across the field.  Ouch.  He said he was okay right away, but I watched him for a minute or two just to be sure.

The second injury happened right before we went inside.  One of the sixth graders was on first and caught the ball.  He slung it to the 8th grader playing second, but the runner (the other sixth grade boy) was already on his way there.  Result:  6th grade runner slams into 8th grade boy and knocks ball away with hand... right into 8th grade boy's mouth.

The next thing I hear is, "I'm okay!"  and then, "Hey, can you check if I'm bleeding?"  The 8th grader walked over to the first baseman and started spitting.  The sub and I hear someone say, "Yuck, you're spitting blood."  Again, the 8th grader repeats, "I'm okay."  More blood spitting.

The sub calls for the 8th grader to come in before I can say anything and asks him to go get cleaned up.

Later that afternoon, the 7th and 8th graders were taking their final map quiz for the year.  The injured 8th grader asked if he could get an ice-pack for his lip.  Sure, why not?  He comes back with a green freezie and shares half of it with his normal partner in crime.  I was going to let it slide because he was injured, but I didn't want the other guy to have it (especially because he was acting all sneaky about it).  So I confiscated the freezie and told him he could have it after the test.  Then he pitched a fit because the other 8th grader still got to keep his.  So I confiscated that one too.  Sigh.  8th grade boys.

But, now we're down to 10 days left.  In two weeks exactly, we'll be on summer vacation!  Woohoo!

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