Thursday, May 19, 2016

2- Play any game for WW or WR

Well, I have bronchitis.  And laryngitis.  I told my kids my voice went to Florida and left me behind.

It was an all right day considering I had to whisper the whole day! My kids mostly talked in whispers too... it was weird for them to use their normal voice.  Mr. D had trouble hearing my whisper-voice.  Thankfully, one of my kids picked up on the fact and acted as a translator!

The people from the WEM foundation presented me with my award today.  The whole school filed into my room for it. The trophy is pretty cool... it's clear and has a floating apple in the middle of it.  I have it by my computer.  Most kids guessed I'll use the $1500 check to buy books.  They're probably right.  One of the 6th graders kept telling me to go on a cruise.  Is he trying to get rid of me or something???

Miss W visited us again today.  I tried to convince her to teach the 5th and 6th graders about the Civil War, but she didn't take the bait.  We skipped read-aloud this morning (giving them time to catch up on missing/late assignments) with the intent that Miss W could read for us this afternoon.  But we didn't have enough time.  We did finish the Civil War stuff I wanted to!  Now time to get grades in... my goal is to finish them in time to pass them out at the awards potluck/carnival tomorrow night...

The other exciting thing today (besides me losing my voice) was our new playground equipment arrived! The guy came to our room first (when I had the 7th graders for class).  He thought I was deaf because I wasn't talking and because I made a gesture that looked like the sign for "deaf".  Nope, just good ol' laryngitis.  The 6th and 7th graders unloaded the pieces while I supervised.  We'll put up the equipment right before school starts.  For now, it's being stored in the gym.

Tomorrow's balloon activity (and last day of school!!!): paper airplane contest.

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