Tuesday, May 7, 2024

1st Grade

The student teacher is still with this class, but she's teaching fewer of the subjects, so I got to teach a little more: religion, one math class, music, and handwriting.

All went well. Music was actually my favorite class to teach. They have an online curriculum with short videos of songs to learn/rhythm games/music games to play. So I just had to click buttons and lead them. Catchy songs. Fun game.

Handwriting- Since it's the beginning of the month, they're doing some "see how much I've improved" handwriting exercises. One is an alphabet race. They have two minutes to write the alphabet, both upper and lowercase letters. If they finish before the timer, they do it again and see how many times they can write the alphabet. Then they wrote their full name on a paper. Most of the papers I saw didn't have too much variance in the handwriting (or some looked a little messier!).

They had an English test. A few of them asked for an 'office', a cardboard trifold that sets on top of their desk to block others' views and keeps their attention focused on their own papers. Such a cute way to phrase it!

It's teacher appreciation week at Mt. Olive. The school is decorated with road-signs and traveling themed displays. Each teacher has a suitcase sitting open outside his/her classroom door. Parents and others can bring in treats and gifts and favorite things for them. Another cute idea!

Other fun things today... someone brought donuts for the staff (which I was invited to partake as well) and a parent monitored lunch, so I was able to eat lunch in the classroom with the student teacher and have some adult conversation.

A grandma came in as a mystery reader and read a book to the class. She hung out with us the rest of the day and helped when the kids needed help. Our last activity was making David and Goliath bags, basically a foam purse to hold foam stones. They had to use yarn to sew the bags together. I had the idea to put tape on the end of the yarn to help it go through the tiny holes. That was the best idea I've had all day! Way smoother execution. The kids loved the bags and some wore them the rest of the day. The only downside are all the little blue foam dots littering the floor...

Friday, May 3, 2024

Kindergarten Day 3

ABC time today we were studying the difference between long vowels and short vowels, specifically how adding an e on the end of a word causes it to be a long vowel. The kindergarteners called it a "sneaky e". Their homework was a worksheet with a bunch of pictures on it. They were supposed to write the name of the picture (tag, name, vase, cat, bat, map, cape, etc.) and decide if there should be an e at the end of the word. 

Most of the class finished lickety-split, but one boy completely shut down after doing just one. He said it was too tricky and he didn't know how to do it. I tried everything I could think of to help him/get him started. Nothing worked, just tears and whining and shoving the paper away. 

I realized that I don't have much experience with kids refusing to do work. If 5-6th graders don't want to do something, they will sit there and pretend to do it. It's pretty rare for them to obstinately defy you. 

So, what did I do? 

First, I gave him the choice: you can do it now and then play at recess time, or you can sit here now and work on it at recess. He didn't know how to handle that, but he was NOT happy he would have to work on it during recess. Again, constant tears for the rest of class time until recess. Wailing as I grabbed a clipboard and a pencil for him and led the rest of the class outside. I gave him two choices of where to sit. He didn't choose any, so I picked the picnic table. 

For a while we both sat there, him crying, me trying to get him to work. Then I remembered a piece of advice from my Daily 5 curriculum. If kids are reluctant to do a task, 90% will do what they're supposed to after about 20 minutes of wasting time (could be less, but 20min is typically the max). Recess was thirty minutes long. So, I told him I was going to check on the other kids. Maybe 8-10 minutes later he turned around and got to work. He was finished with the worksheet with 12 minutes of recess to play! Woo! 

The rest of the day was simple. We finished our reading lesson after recess, watched a short video telling the story of Alice in Wonderland, ate lunch, and then got on the bus to go to the MLC play in New Ulm. 

They did a version of Alice in Wonderland. The costumes and the set were really neat, as always. The kids really enjoyed the play even though we were in the tip top seats in the auditorium. We made it back to school just a little past 2:30, just ahead of the New Ulm bus. 

Now all the kids have been picked up, the classroom is tidy, and I'm ready to head for home! The weather is gorgeous, so I think I'll do some outside work before supper. I have firewood to move in preparation for our new goat shed...

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Kindergarten Day 2

Tears. Lots of tears today. None from me! Lots of emotions from the kindergarteners. 

Rain= indoor recess. Not enough cool toys to go around= tears. Not enough space and/or not paying attention to where other kids are= bumps, stomps, crashes= tears. Toy from home lost in the classroom= mega tears. Someone else took the comfy chair for reading time= tears. Got stuck with a partner he didn't want to be with= tears. 

There is a reason I chose older grades to teach. Whew! All these little people's emotions are exhausting! For me and them. 

Even with the big emotions, we accomplished Mrs. E's lesson plans. Today was Mm- Minute to Win it Day. They rotated among four stations. How many... chains can you link, cups can you stack, blocks can you stack, cubes can you connect... in one minute? They loved it. But some got frustrated *ahem*tears*ahem* when they didn't build a _fill in the blank_ as big as another group.

No butterflies hatched today. Hopefully tomorrow!

One more day! And tomorrow will be pretty easy, mostly wrapping up lessons we started today and then we're going to a play at MLC in the afternoon!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Homestead Update

Birthday card from our cat, Mopsy (assisted by my father-in-law 😂): 

Homestead updates: things are poking up out of the ground! I thought my asparagus died overwinter, but it's alive! All four stands!

Our psychological deer fence. If you look carefully, you can see our planted seedlings among the grass in the garden.

Onions coming up!

Kindergarten Day 1

It has been quite the day in kindergarten, going to the complete opposite end of the spectrum of students!

Mrs. E is going on the class trip with the 7th and 8th graders, so I am subbing for her the rest of the week. She had things laid out pretty well, but their attention spans are so short, there are lots of small segments of classes. Also they need a lot of help with things and there is not much independent work. 

Our themes of the week are tigers and butterflies. All the reading and writing lessons are about tigers. The class has a bunch of butterfly chrysalises that might hatch this week! So far, nothing yet. 

The 1-2nd graders are hatching ducks in an incubator. Four have already hatched and are ready for holding. The kids are pumped! One kid almost missed the bus because he wanted to see them before he went home. 

Speaking of ducks, I ordered three varieties of ducks for G and me to have at our homestead. He wants egg layers, so we are getting Khaki Campbells. There's a minimum order amount of 15 ducklings, so we're also getting Cayugas and Blue Swedish varieties, five of each kind. There's not enough room for 15 ducks on our place, so Dad will take all the extras. They are scheduled to hatch on May 20th and arrive within 48 hours!


Tuesday I was the 7-8th grade teacher at Immanuel. This class is a tough one, so I wasn't super looking forward to the day. I remembered I had been reading a book aloud with them that I hadn't finished. It hadn't been published yet when I first read to them, and it had been so long that the electronic file expired. Thankfully it is published now! G picked up a copy for me on his way home from work the day before. 

The day went very well. Everyone was respectful and quiet and riveted to the story. Before school one of the girls said the three 7th grade boys had been really excited for me to read aloud to them. The 1-2nd grade teacher said on the way to school her son (one of those 7th graders, one who gave me a run for my money last year) had said how much he was looking forward to having me teach their class and then, "Man, we really gotta get Miss H back next year." 

We read about 100 pages! Only 95 to go in the book. I think I'll come in a few days before the end of the year to finish reading the book.

Another funny moment from the day: the kids are working on their musical parts. One of the girls (a girl who gives a lot of attitude to everyone) is supposed to roll her eyes on one of her lines. She quite seriously told Mrs. L she didn't know how! A classmate said, "Just give a side eye instead."

Friday, April 26, 2024

1st Grade

Homestead update first: last night we got most of the deer fence put up and some seedlings planted. It was busy at work, so G got home later than expected. I had tried to get things in place for us (setting the posts where they would be pounded in, bringing out the supplies, etc.), but it still took a while. 

He had the idea to put chicken wire around the bottom 18" of the fence to keep mice out. That's something that will need to be added later since we didn't have any at home. We had trouble with the fencer too; the wire wrapped around the ground sparked every tick of the fencer. So, our fence is up but it is not electrified. 

By the time that wrapped up, it was late and dark. We wanted to capitalize on the rain coming in the next few days, so we strapped on headlamps to plant our veggies: cabbage, celery, brussel sprouts, kohlrabi, kale, romaine lettuce, and carrots. All but the carrots are seedlings. I hope the deer don't try our fence until we finish it!

Penelope's home moved outside. I pulled the dog house out from the goat shed and stuck her fluffy bed inside along with food. She sniffed the food and water and then enjoyed walking around the property. Before we went to bed, we found her curled up on some insulation I had tossed out of the goat fence (it had been between the dog house and the goat shed wall). So much for her fancy house. Maybe the chickens would like it for a nesting box?

School was pretty good. It was a much different day than the 5th graders... The student teacher did all the teaching except religion, so I was able to get a lot of computer work done today, and even some of a book read! I did do some things with the students: I taught religion (Ruth and Boaz), supervised kids in the gym, helped stuck kids with math and English assignments, and tied lots of shoe laces. 

I was impressed with how many procedures were in place for their classroom. Lots of songs to get them from place to place, or rhymes/chants to get them to quiet down/move to their desks/walk quiet in the hall, etc. Even with all of that, the kids had trouble focusing and following instructions. From listening to the student teachers' conversations, it seems like a normal thing for these 1st graders. 

Their day is chunked into many small parts. It seemed to last forever! Maybe that's because there wasn't much for me to do. Or maybe it's because I read the clock wrong and thought there was another hour of the day left. One fun thing from today was that a lot of the 1st graders have siblings in 5th grade. At least six of them! And separate from that, I know parents of another three of them! 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Germination Chamber

SFA put on a germination chamber and succession planting workshop. It was on a farm 30 minutes from Mankato, and I was free, so I went! Only two others besides me attended, so we got a lot of one-on-one time and finished early. Even though most of the information is for gardening on a massive scale, I took a lot of notes and can apply most to our homestead.

This is a seeder for a 128 plug tray. Dan, the farmer giving the talk, made it himself. There are two plexiglass layers with holes that line up perfectly over the plug spaces (bottom is stationary, top is moveable). You move the top layer so the holes aren't lined up, dump your seed on top, shake the tray so a seed goes in the hole, and then move the top layer to line up the holes. The seed drops perfectly into the tray saving tons of time seeding. (He also made a block with tiny pieces of dowels glued on to press holes into the soil in the plugs. Once the seeds are in the holes, he dumps some soil on top and smooths it out with his hand.)

This is the outside of the germination chamber. We got a handout with instructions on how to build one, and it doesn't seem that hard. Get an old fridge or freezer that still works. Buy a temperature timer and a humidity timer. Install them on the outside of the unit. Drill a hole to feed the cords/probe through. 

Inside the chamber, put in two crockpots filled with water. The one with the lid on gets hooked up to the temperature gauge, the one without the lid gets hooked up to the humidity gauge. The gauges turn the crockpots on/off depending what the internal temp is. If it gets too hot, the gauge will turn the fridge on. He has his trays stacked on top of each other in order of which seeds germinate first. So he only needs to check the top tray. Once just one seed 'pops', he moves the tray out to be under grow lights in his shop or to a greenhouse. The rest won't be far behind. Then he watches the next tray.

Here is his growing setup, all materials from Home Depot or Menards.

This is the lettuce washing station. Lettuce goes in the orange buckets, it gets set inside the barrel, he turns on the spin cycle and away it goes!

This is where the lettuce goes to dry afterwards. The table surface is plastic mesh. Three box fans sit in a wooden box to blow air to dry it.

Outside, I saw a nifty way to trellis raspberries. 

Here's his main grow tunnel. The plants on the left have been growing a while and will be ready to harvest at the end of May. The rows on the right have been planted to be ready in June or July. The center is left open for plants to be mature later in the summer (succession planting).

This lettuce is all the same variety and will be ready to harvest this week!

G and I plan to make our deer fence like his. It's called a psychological deer fence because it messes with the deer's minds. The small outer fence is an electric wire 18" off the ground. Behind that about three feet is a taller fence with three electric wires, each 18" apart. The deer can't tell how far they have to jump to clear the second fence, and they don't want their legs to get tangled up, so they leave it alone. Dan said he hasn't had any deer problems with this fence. I hope the same will be true for us!

Back on our homestead, I remembered the pieces of seed potatoes I had 'curing' in the garage. I had read that you cut a seed potato so that two eyes are on each piece. Let them dry for a day or two so they don't rot, then plant. These had sat for a few days and started shriveling up. So, even though it was getting dark, I wanted to plant them. We got most of them in their trench before it got too dark. Then, the moon and the lights on our house were bright enough for us to see what we were doing as we covered them up. Here's G making mounds for them. 

Hopefully they grow!

Taking it Easy on a Half Day

Yesterday, a fly buzzed around the classroom annoying everyone. The students spent the day trying to swat it. One boy (my rapper student), whispered to me that Mrs. M had promised whoever killed the fly a piece of candy... but apparently not many of them had paid attention or heard that announcement, because he and one other boy were the only ones who remembered. He wanted me to keep it a secret so that he'd have a higher chance of getting the candy. Well, it worked. He was the one to kill the fly. He wanted his candy right away, but I told him he'd have to wait for Mrs. M. I wrote her a note on the sub plans. She told me today that she had forgotten she'd made that promise, so it was a good thing she was able to find a piece of candy for him!

My day today was super easy. This morning I caught up on a few items that have been on my to-do list for way too long: hemming a pair of pants for a friend, sewing holes shut on a few beanbags I used with the 5th graders back in February, finishing framing a piece of art to hang in our bedroom, making the guest room beds. 

Since I made all our lunches for the week back on Monday, when it was time to go to school, I shoved my salad in my bag and headed out the door. I arrived just in time to take the 5th graders to lunch. 

Our schedule for the afternoon:
  • Devotion
  • Spelling worksheet (I did read-aloud while they worked... that choose your own adventure book)
  • Silent Reading
  • Hymn Quiz
  • Reading their class reading book Mr. Lemoncello's Library
  • Reading the reading book with Mrs. M's class
  • Track and Field Practice
  • Dismissal
Track and Field practice was wild... the 5-6th graders all practiced at the same time, which is roughly 60 kids. Mr. Z had stations set up and the students rotated between them depending which events they participate in. It was amazing to watch. A complete hive of activity. Boys' and girls' shotput, discus, sprinting, long distance running, long jump. Most impressive? 5th graders doing hurdles! Most ridiculous? How often I had to open the door for kids to get drinks or go to the bathroom!

Tomorrow I am subbing in 1st grade. I was a little nervous about it, but their teacher came over to me and shared that she has a student teacher, so I will only need to teach religion. The rest of the day will be supervising. She said I could bring things to work on. Maybe I'll bring some craft projects to do...

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Back in 5th Grade

It's Mrs. M's original due date today. 

She took the day off and I subbed. It was nice to be back at Mt. Olive, especially on a Wednesday for chapel. The kids were pretty chatty all day (not just my class, seemed like most other classes). They were definitely excited to see me, and excited to hear that I will be back tomorrow afternoon (for Mr. N).

Funny moment from today: I overheard two little girls in the bathroom discussing a club they were starting:
"When do you think we should have it?"
"I don't know."
"Probably a Saturday or Sunday. Well, Saturday is cleaning day, so maybe Sunday. We can play and eat peanut butter sandwiches!"

Even though it's the end of the year with mixed up schedules because of testing/track and field practice/field trips, Mrs. M managed to craft a normal day. We did all the usual things, although we substituted handwriting for morning PE since track and field practice happens three days a week at the end of the day (every day but Wednesday and Friday). 

Her class is reading aloud Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. I read quite a few chapters of that today. I haven't read the book since middle school, and it kind of sucked me in... I might have to pull out my copy at home and finish it...

Mr. N's class didn't have a new read-aloud book, which Mrs. M had mentioned, so I brought a Choose Your Own Adventure book and an Encyclopedia Brown. We did Encyclopedia Brown today and will do the CYOA tomorrow. They had fun trying to guess how Encyclopedia solved the crime.

In homestead news, I purchased supplies to make goat tie-outs, so we can tether our goats to the lawn without a pasture fence. Since they haven't been tethered before, I want to start on a day I can keep an eye on them so they don't get tangled up. Tomorrow might be the day.

There's rain in the forecast for Friday and no more cold weather after Monday, so G and I want to get our garden in to take advantage. However, we need a fence before we expose our seedlings to the wild. Since I'm just teaching a half day tomorrow, our plan is to install the fence in the morning before I have to go in, and then plant after both of us are finished with work for the day. Hopefully the fence won't take super long. It's T posts and electric wire, so I'm optimistic! Although, projects always seem to take longer than anticipated... I guess we'll see!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Sourdough Experiments

It all started from a video recipe my sister sent me... strawberry sourdough cinnamon rolls. G and I had friends staying with us for the weekend, the rolls looked delicious, I have sourdough starter in my fridge... why not make some? 

My starter has been staying alive in the fridge, but it wasn't strong enough to cook with right away. The author of the recipe I wanted to make had other articles on her website with detailed instructions on how to recharge sourdough/check if yours is ready to cook with. I tried two different methods of regrowing mine. One was to make a levain, which is a mix of starter, flour, water, and sugar. And the other was to make a 1:1:1 ratio mix with starter, flour, and water (that ratio can make it grow faster). 

The levain won out, so that's what I used to make the sourdough cinnamon rolls. I used the other starter to make these dinner rolls. The yeast likes 78-80 degrees to rise... Our house is normally between 63-65. One suggestion was to put them in the oven with the oven light on. That worked great! Eventually I needed the oven, so I tested out the next suggestion from the website...

Yes, you are seeing that correctly; it is a heating pad (my sister gave me one for Christmas; the inaugural use!). They also suggested making a 'greenhouse' with a tub. I used a clear one so I could see what was happening without lifting the lid. We had a spare house thermostat, so I stuck that inside to easily see what temp it was. With the heat mat on high, it got in the high 80s! Medium was mid 80s, and low was high 70s. Worked like a charm.

The finished products. Not super light and fluffy, but definitely delicious! I had to tweak the rise times a bit to fit our weekend schedule, so I'm sure they will turn out even better next time!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Belle Plaine

Last night, I got a text message around 9:30pm (from the MLC graduate who was going to be the long-term sub for Mrs. M before we knew she would be back) asking if I was free to sub in a 5-6th grade classroom at Trinity in Belle Plaine. She was subbing somewhere else and the school had exhausted all other options and were desperate. 

My plan had been to spend the day tidying our house to prep for hosting our church small group (like a bible study, but we talk about Pastor's sermon and then pray for each other), but I can do that after school, plus G could tidy before going to work, so, I said yes. 

Thankfully the principal was still awake and responded quickly to my texts. Arrive at school at 7:30, students arrive at 8, school ends at 3:10. Okie dokie. 

It was a very early morning... It's a 50min drive, and I left home at 6:30am to make sure I was on time. When I arrived at 7:20, the door was locked as I had suspected. I found out later the principal had arranged for another teacher to keep an eye out for me at 7:30, but since I was early she wasn't watching. Thankfully a student saw me and let me in. The school isn't very big, so I found the 5-6th grade room fairly quickly. 

No sub plans on the desk. There was a pile of student worksheets for the day, and after further examination of the room I found their assignment board filled out and the order of subjects written on the board. I figured I could teach based off that. I poked around for the teacher's manuals to familiarize myself with their curriculum. 

A few other teachers popped in to say hello. The kindergarten teacher recognized my last name... her son is the 5-6th grade teacher at Risen Savior, the school attached to our church! The principal found me too; he had additional plans with detailed notes for the day from the 5-6th grade teacher. Nice. That definitely made the day smoother. 

The kids have been good today. I made sure to crack down on anything sketchy right away. A few tried to be sneaky with games on their computers during worktime. There were lots of quizzes, worktime on projects, and studying for upcoming tests. I basically only taught catechism and 6th grade math. 

One cool thing this teacher has is an economic system. He has a set aside class for it on Friday. Along with that, he pays his students 'salaries' for doing their class jobs for the week. They can earn 'money' for doing jobs and write checks to him and to other classmates for various things. One girl sold her classmates Oreos for class cash. And if they misbehave or are irresponsible with items, they receive a fine. At the end of the year they can use their remaining money to buy actual stuff. Pretty neat! It definitely helps them learn money usage!


Spring is popping up all over the place! I planted a few more bulbs down where Bekhor is buried, along with an arborvitae shrub that survived the pot over the winter (that was from one of G's garden center rejects we'd planned to feed the goat, but they maxed out their coniferous greenery eating, so we let it sit). As I dug, I noticed a few feet away this little guy poking through. 

Last fall, I had planted a bunch of bulbs, not sure if they would grow or survive the deer. This one did! I haven't seen any others yet. I wonder what it will be?

The swans are back. I caught them taking their morning bath. We had a very stormy/rainy day yesterday and they weathered the storm in our pond. Maybe they will stay and make their nests?

The biggest excitement from Monday happened while I cut up seed potatoes in the garage. I turned around and found a cat! Not Mopsy and not Flopsy. She seemed tame, so I tried to pet her. She let me. She was all skin and bones, so G and I put her by our cat food in the goat shed. Mopsy didn't like that, but she was too scared to defend her territory. I decided to name this one Penelope. With the storm coming the next day, we didn't want Mopsy kicked out of her own home, so we made a different shelter for Penelope. See below. 😀

We had food and water for her (both of which she appreciated) and some logs to block the rain. G saw her inside right away in the morning when he left for work, but when I checked in the afternoon, she was nowhere to be found. We haven't seen her since. I hope she comes back, but even if she doesn't, at least we could give her a meal and some water.

Friday, April 12, 2024

The Other 5th Graders

After almost a full week off, I was back at Mt. Olive today, this time in the other 5th grade classroom. It was roughly the same schedule, but also very different routines and flavor to the day. The kids were all super pumped to see me. One girl actually ran down the hall to the classroom when her friends told her I was their sub. In Mrs. M's room, I got a lot of hugs (some from students I didn't expect). 

Mr. N arrived at school the same time I did. I was a bit surprised to see him since he had the day off, but he was only there to print his lesson plans for me and make sure I knew where everything was. Mrs. M stopped by to give me a stack of cards her students made for me. There is some great art on the fronts and some sweet words on the insides. My favorites are below:

The rapper student... His made me laugh out loud.

The card in the top right has one line of text inside. The artist said it took him like three hours to do the front, so I'm guessing that's why. 😆

The art on the left side was just like we did in an art project earlier in the year. 

Look at that shading!

My favorite parts of the day... Reading class, we read a few chapters of their class book, Mr. Lemoncello's Library. Mrs. M's class wanted to have students read the dialogue, so we divvied up parts. I was the narrator. It was actually pretty fun and it helped them recognized who/when people were talking in the story (kind of tricky at times since there are many characters). They're hoping Mr. N will let them continue that next week. 

In Mr. N's room in the afternoon, we finally had time for the read-aloud book I started before I left, Slugfest by Gordon Korman. We read during art and library time, went outside for a brief extra recess (the girls invited me to play four square with them), and then they wanted me to read for the last ten minutes of the day before they got picked up. So we did. We are SO close to finishing! We have 1.5 chapters left! That's less than 20 pages! 

I arranged with Mr. N to let me come in on Monday to finish... I'm on the books to come in for Mrs. M next Tuesday to read that class's read-aloud. I'm hoping I can finish that book Tuesday, but if not, I'll come in Wednesday. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Holzhueter Eclipse Extravaganza!

In 2017, I convinced my college friend L to go with me to see the total eclipse. We found a campsite in the path of totality down along the border between Nebraska and Iowa. It was cloudy, but we still experienced the darkness, complete calm (it had been a windy day), and utter silence when the moon covered the sun. 

Even with that disappointment, I still loved the experience and made a goal to see another eclipse without clouds. Fast-forward a few years. Eclipse 2024. One again, Emily gets a crazy idea in her head and drags G along with it... 

G was skeptical if the trip would be worth it... 9+ hours of driving one way for less than five minutes of an experience? But, I really wanted to do it so he went along with my scheming. (Isn't he a great husband?)

He couldn't take more than a day off work, so this past Sunday after church we took off for Springfield, Illinois, with the intention to stay there one night, drive about 2.5h further south Monday morning, see the eclipse, drive all the way home. First half of the plan went off without a hitch! The drive didn't even seem that long. We arrived around supper time and poked around the city a bit before ended up at our hotel. 

The rest of the plan was to get up early Monday morning, visit Lincoln's home, and eventually work our way south after checking the radar to make sure we ended up somewhere sunny. G had called a few wineries in the path of totality to see if they would be open. "Yes, we are, and we have a table with your name on it!" one waitress told us. It was on a first-come-first-serve basis, but we figured there would be plenty of places to choose from if one winery was full when we got there.

At the hotel before checking in, we parked behind a car with MN plates. As I waited for G to take care of things, lo and behold, a couple I recognized from Mankato came out to the van in front of us. They are members at Good Shepherd in North Mankato and actually had their kids play basketball at Immanuel for a few years back in the day. Small world! 

Monday morning we made it down to breakfast around 7am. Lots of people, all of them talking about going south to watch the eclipse. We got nervous about getting a spot, so we decided to forego Lincoln's home. It's a good thing we left when we did because traffic got heavy the further south we went. I'm not sure we would've made it to our destination in time if we hadn't left when we did!

We ended up at a peaceful little winery out in the country near Clarksdale, Illinois. Very idyllic and hardly a cloud in sight.

After a bit of scrounging, we found a picnic table we shared with a couple from Iowa City (Maggie and Greg). We joked that we'd check in with each other at the next eclipse in 2044... but we actually did get their phone numbers/emails. 😆

It took about 45min or so for the moon to work its way in front of the sun. I tried to take a picture of it with my phone with my eclipse glasses in front. It kind of worked. You can see a bite taken out of the sun in the picture below.

It slowly got darker and darker the more the moon covered the sun. 

It even looked a bit like sunset.

G took the pictures below with his phone during totality. The moon was completely covering the sun! You can only see a little bit of that in the picture. 

It got very cold. Before the eclipse, it had been 75 degrees and I was in short-sleeves, shorts, and flip-flops. During totality, I wrapped up in the car blanket. Like the other eclipse, the wind died down. The birds didn't quit chirping though.

The total eclipse/totality lasted 4min 9sec where we were. It was beautiful. And worth the drive. Even G agrees.

 The next total eclipse is March 30th, 2033, in Alaska. The next one after that is in 2044 and will be visible in the Dakotas. Road trip anyone? 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Homestead Updates

The weather is glorious. 70 degrees and sunny. That makes me antsy to get some work done outside! 

We have a goat pasture blend on order for the backyard. I found a few bags of grass seed in the garage, given to me last fall by a friend, intended for the Nicollet house, but I never got around to seeding it. So, the Mankato house gets it! I broadcast the seed by hand around the front yard since we're not sure if we'll turn that section into a permanent pasture. It might as well get seeded with a heartier grass so if we do a temporary pasture, the goats will have something more to eat than flimsy lawn grass. I found a few seed packets of a wildflower mix, a butterfly mix, and a pollinator mix, so I spread those around too. No clue if any of them will take. Time will tell! 

Other updates:

Two pairs of swans will land in our pond every once in a while. One pair was back! Can you spot them in the picture?

Our rhubarb has unfurled quite a bit. No other progress in the garden. My big task today is to put up portable fencing around the garden so that if/when things do emerge, the deer won't eat them.

The goats are happy. The grass in their pen hasn't greened up much, but they keep browsing. We want them to eat everything down to the nub so that when we do seed the pasture, it won't have as much competition from the existing grass. Last night we decided we want a permanent fence around our second paddock in the backyard. That will give us more freedom (and less worry about them getting out). Other pasture plans are to add two natural ponds, one in each pasture, for our future ducks. I want the weather to warm up some more before we add to our menagerie, so no new animals on deck for now.

Mopsy, our adopted stray kitten, is doing great. We caught her up in a tree one morning, surveying the backyard. She stalks bugs and plays with Gerda (the baby goat). Yesterday, a bird smashed into one of our windows and died. G and I found it on the ground and gave it to Mopsy to see what she'd do with it. She played with it for a while and then ate it. She'll be a hunter before we know it!

Friday, April 5, 2024

Mystery Plant

 Can you guess what this is?

Here's a hint: G and I walked through our pre-planted garden to see if anything had come up yet and discovered this. My shoe in the corner for a reference. 😅

We had seen animal tracks around the area, so at first I thought it was animal. But no. Rhubarb! I hadn't ever seen it coming up so tiny! 

For the record, this is something I had put there, not a volunteer. G's mom originally planted it on the side of the garage when she moved in. It was too shady there, so this fall I transplanted it to this patch of bare dirt. It had already gone dormant when I moved it, and I don't have much experience with moving existing plants, so I wasn't sure how well it would come up. So far so good!

The only other thing we detected in our garden were two little lines of garlic emerging, another experiment planted this fall. I had brought two garlic heads back from a garlic festival in Oregon (while on my annual summer vacation with my college friend L). They sat in a paper bag in my Nicollet house from early August through November, sometime in there getting moved to Mankato and hung in the closet under the stairs. Eventually I remembered them, probably mid-November. The heads weren't looking too good, all shriveled and dry, but there was enough life there that I decided to plant them anyway. 

After supper tonight G and I added two trees to our orchard: Honeycrisp apple to the west and Reliance peach to the east. We also decided to move a non-fruit tree we planted last summer from the side of the driveway to the side yard (to replace a dead tree also planted last summer). This will leave room for 2-3 more fruit trees along that side of the driveway. An apricot tree is our top choice. What else should we plant? 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

A Few Final Words

 Mrs. M had some gems to share at our meeting... 

A favorite nugget... the day she and her husband came to talk to the class about their daughter's birth, even though he only witnessed me 'being teacher' for a minute or two, her husband said to her as they left, "I can tell Mrs. H is a good teacher. She has a strong presence." 

Another gem, this one from a student to her at church (the rapper, a son of the other pastor)... "Mrs. M, I'm glad you're coming back, but you should reconsider how you teach us religion. I like how Mrs. H does it. We are actually learning stuff." 😬 

She questioned him further and he said, "We actually read the bible! And then we talk about it; we don't have to write stuff down." 

To provide further explanation, when she taught, she would read the bible with them a few verses at a time and go through the Christlight curriculum packet in sections, as it's mapped out to do. That's what I had done too in the beginning. However, I've found that you can keep a better picture in your head of what's happening in the stories if you read bigger chunks at once. So we did that, reading the entire story, and then went through the packet all at once. There are a lot of good details to add as you read, plus maps to draw, plus diagrams to demonstrate concepts, all of which generate questions, which leads to great discussions. And not much writing. So towards the end of my time, we abandoned the packets and just read the bible. So that's what we think he meant. 😅

Back for More

My actual last day in 5th grade. 

The kids were surprised. Most were confused. When I explained they said they were sad G was feeling sick and our trip was canceled, but they were happy that I could be with them one more day. It was a good day and a quick day. Chapel, math test, social studies test, recess/birthday treats from a student, and read aloud time sprinkled among it all. Dismiss at 11:15. 

After the students had gone, Mrs. M came to get reacquainted with the classroom and where we left off in the lessons. Mrs. L brought lunch and we had a very enjoyable couple of hours chatting. 

It's interesting that Mrs. M and I have only met twice. Once for about 30 seconds when I subbed earlier in the year for the teacher next door, and the other when she and her husband visited the class to let them ask questions. So, we really don't know each other at all, even though we feel like we do. It's a strange bond between us, the tragedies we've both experienced. We did spend some time talking about our own losses. Journaling has helped her process much of her grief. Later she messaged me thanking me for the journal I had given her in the teacher care basket from Mt. Olive. It has been one of her favorites. Another favorite was one given to her from the Thrivent grant for grieving parents (G and I had written them about that opportunity; we were grateful for it ourselves). 

It's a blend of emotions talking about these things... sad but healing, happy to talk about our children and share our stories... happy to have another person who understands. 

Mrs. M sent me another message after our meeting; she has such a way with words. I won't share all of what she said, but she ended with, "I will also be praying for you this week. I imagine Easter will be joyous, yet so hard for both of us." So, so true.  

It's ironic; every time I think everyone has heard about Bekhor, someone new pops up and asks how my pregnancy is going. It's been long enough and hasn't happened recently so my guard is down. But later this afternoon an old college friend sent me a message checking in. Such a sweet message. Still a stab of pain. Still a chance to tell about his birth, his baptism, his resting in heaven whole and perfect with Jesus. And who can be sad about that? Especially in the midst of Holy Week. 

Job said it best in chapter one verse 21, "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. May the name of the Lord be praised." 💖

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Just Kidding!

Today didn't go as expected... 

G and I had the alarm set for 6am to prep/get on the road to pick up plants in Michigan. But he woke up in the middle of the night with the same thing I had on Sunday. No fun for him for the rest of the night. He was knocked out on the couch for the whole day. That also means no Michigan for us. 

I thought about texting the powers that be at school to see if they'd want me to come in to teach today and tomorrow. However, right around that time, school was called off for the day. Mrs. L and I came up with a plan to help the kids study for their tests at home so they can successfully take their tests tomorrow and still wrap up the classroom in a nice, neat bow for Mrs. M. 

Mrs. L has a pretty tight Wednesday schedule in her normal routine. When I was planning to be gone, they were going to have the principal step in and monitor the class for the last two hours of the day. Another blessing of me being around... I will go in to teach for the half day tomorrow! It will be a huge surprise! I can't wait! 

Tomorrow is an early release day, so we'll have chapel, a math test, a social studies test, and then go home at 11:15. After school, I'll get to be a part of the meeting with Mrs. M and Mrs. L. Added bonus: Mrs. L volunteered to bring us all lunch. 

So, I'm bummed that G and I aren't road tripping this week, but I'm happy we don't have to drive on yucky roads and that I get to be at school to wrap up this quarter and my time in 5th grade.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Last Day

I almost thought I wouldn't make my last day of school. 

The weather cooperated for the most part. We had a two-hour delay. The streets were fine for me. We had snow last night which turned to rain, but it was about 37 degrees, so it stayed wet. Word on the street the temp will drop tonight and we'll have a big, icy mess in the morning. Hmm. Time will tell. 

Yesterday, I caught a stomach bug. I was parked on the couch from after church through suppertime, throwing up every hour. I wasn't sure if I should go to school today, but I hadn't thrown up overnight and it was my last day, so I powered through. I sure am ready to go home though!

We had to adjust our morning schedule since school started at 10am. I did math, then religion, then a little bit of recess. The girls, even the ones who hadn't been getting along, all played volleyball together. I mustered up enough energy to play too. Regular afternoon for 5th grade. I got all my social studies teaching in plus a little bit more read-aloud. Mr. N's class is just getting to the good part in their book. I'll be sad to miss the rest...

Since I had time before school, I washed my hair and let it air dry. No bun. It really threw off my kids! They kept commenting how long it was. One girl asked how I put it up in a bun, so I showed them the twist method. They were enthralled. 😅

A few fun things from today: A note from a student (one of the TEAM girls), peppermint tea from another student, and a 3D printed Christmas ornament from still another student. He said, "I know it's a little past the season, but I wanted to give you this." It was in that pretty Christmas tin. What a sweet thing to make a teacher!

A parent emailed me about something else and ended with this... "And this was not my son unfortunately, but one of your students left the book fair very quickly. I said 'what's the rush? ' The boy said ' I love HX class and I don't want to miss it'. Good to see kids excited to learn...  even if it is not mine 😉"

Another student whirled around the classroom at the end of the day, sweeping, shutting the extra mood lights off, etc. So "you can just go home right after school! You won't need to do anything else!"

I brought a present to school for the 8th grader who played piano for us for Grandparents Day. I know she likes to bake, so I gave her a cake pan. G thought that was a weird present, but I disagree. Well, maybe it's weird, but I know she'll love it. Her mom is a teacher and eats lunch with me and she said her daughter was thrilled. 😁

Friday, March 22, 2024

Grandparents Day Take Two!

Kids were a little crazier today, the day went a little more slowly (probably because of the craziness), but the program went a little more quickly! 

We played two different Kahoots with grandparents, both from previous units of social studies, one on the Reformation and one on the Elizabethan Era. It seemed like they had a good time. The kids sure did!

There's a lot going on in this picture below. First is a note given to me by a student (the one I had the heart to heart with yesterday). Not pictured is the cup of mint tea given in addition to the note. In the background you might notice a card signed by both 5th grade classes, a bouquet of flowers, a gift bag, and a giant box.

The gift bag has a bunch of snacks: cashews, goldfish crackers, Junior mints, and a small bag of potato chips. (A parent had asked what my top five favorite snacks are... my favorites are pretzels, pringles, cashews, goldfish, and anything mint, so they did pretty well!) All presents from the 5th grade class. The big box in the background is a gift from Mrs. M (wine, chocolate, coffee, a candle, and a gift card to The Tav, G and my favorite restaurant in town, although my guess is that's a total coincidence!).

Bad weather is in the forecast for Sunday into Monday and there are doubts about whether we'll have school Monday... so they gave me the class presents today just in case. 

Normally I'm all for a snow day, but this time it would be so sad if school is cancelled. No chance to say goodbye. Another teacher gone without a by your leave. Not to mention throwing the let's-get-everything-wrapped-up-before-Mrs. M-comes-back lesson plans into chaos. But I've dealt with that before. I'm already mentally working through things to adjust for that and I have a solid plan. 

Now we wait and see what Minnesota throws at us!

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Grandparents Day Take One!

It's only been a half day of school, but wow, it's been packed. I am already pooped. Thankfully all the kids are picked up and I can head home whenever I want. 

We started the day with chapel with grandparents. About half my students sat with their grandparents. It was nice to sing the liturgy again. After that, we had a normal math class. Most other classrooms just did a math themed game or something since grandparents are allowed to take their students to the book fair whenever they want. Most of my kids stayed for class (I don't think they wanted homework). 

After that we needed to do a social studies lesson to catch up to the other class (and so we can have our test before Easter break next week). I was the most nervous about that since it's on a topic I'm not super familiar with (the Russian czar Peter the Great) and I'm always worried I'll say the wrong thing and an adult who knows more will correct me. Thankfully that didn't happen. Two grandparents expressed later that they really enjoyed my class. 

At 10am, grandparents went to the sanctuary for the entertainment portion of the morning. Classes were called to perform via walkie-talkie. We made sure we were on deck with plenty of time to spare, lined up from tallest to shortest, bathroom-breaked, and pleasant expressions on faces. Mr. N led us in; I followed and grabbed the music stand while he lined them up. There wasn't a microphone to announce the class, but my voice carries in church, so I just projected. They sang well! "Reformation Song" and "May the Peace (Benediction)".

We scurried back to our classrooms where we had to kill an hour before they could leave. Someone gave an anonymous donation of $15 for the book fair for a student, so everyone put their name on a piece of paper in my winter hat and I drew one. I thought only one student hadn't put any books on his wish-list, but it turns out there were two. And the name I drew was one of them (rapper kid). Sigh. If I had known, I would've redrawn or said a different kid's name, but it was too late. I had announced it before classmates complained. He said he would use it to get a book and not just junky toys, so I let him keep it. 

After that we did silent reading until it was time to pack-up. These kids have burned through my books! We're getting to the point where they don't have anything to read anymore, and they've already read the ones they want from my stash. Only my problem for two more days... 

The classroom cleared out pretty quickly. I had a nice heart-to-heart with the last student who was waiting for her mom to finish door duty. She's the oldest and complained about her sisters. 

A different student (before she left for the day), gave me this. Yesterday as we waited for last names to be called for pickup, I noticed she sat in the desk closest to mine with her drawing notebook. The book was angled away from me and she kept looking back and forth between us. I had guessed she was drawing me. She captured me pretty well!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


Book Fair preview day! This book fair is from a company I'm unfamiliar with. It's called I:55, referring to Isaiah 55, and it's a Christian company. I've used Scholastic and Usborne in the past. Definitely cons to both of them. Scholastic had a lot of books inappropriate for Lutheran schools. Usborne had great books for littles, but not many for middle grades. This one had a good selection for all ages and a wide variety of mainstream books alongside God-themed books. I saw a few that were on my to-read list, already read favorites, and some on my books-to-buy list!

The kids each got a book wish list slip to fill out. We had fifteen minutes to peruse and write down titles. I had a few slips to fill out for classroom wish list items. No problem filling that out. 😉

My students were on my case about coming back next year to be their part-time teacher. 
"You just explain things so well. Like, I actually understand stuff when you explain it. And you're so kind and never yell." 
"Yeah, you should follow us to 6th grade. If you have a baby, maybe you can bring it to school with you and teach us with your baby!"
"Yeah, we had a different teacher who did that!"
Somehow, I doubt that.

There's a 5th grade boy into Christian rappers. Obsessed, I'd venture to say. He wants to be a rapper when he grows up and is actually writing his own raps. He did one after school waiting for his parents to pick him up. He said it was from his Greek Album. The song was about going to get a Big Mac. He's pretty talented actually. It sounded like a rap, but I could understand everything he said. A kid from the other class stopped in to drop off an assignment for me and he stopped to listen. Apparently, this song has been a work in progress because this other kid wanted to hear the latest version. Rapper boy said, "Okay, but I'll start here, since you've already heard this part. This is the new part." Very cool.

I told him so. 

Pretty sure his classmates think he's weird, including the girls. They seem to tease him or make fun of him, always in a subtle way that gives off that 'making fun of' feeling but is never mean enough for a teacher to call them out about it. Right before I complemented him on his rapping, it seemed like the ringleader of the girls was going to say something, but she stopped herself when I commented. The look on her face makes me wonder if I gave her something to think about with my praise of his ability. 🤔

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

A+ Teacher

Today's journal prompt was, "Should teachers be graded by students?" Boy, that got these guys going.

Snippets of conversation I overheard...
"Oh yeah, definitely!"
"And if they yell at us for no reason, they should go to the Principal!"
"Ooo, I would give Mrs. H an A, no an A+!"
"Yeah, she'd get an A+ for sure."
(yelling across the room) "Mrs. H! You are an A+ teacher!"
"What would Mrs. M get?"
"I'd give her a... B+."
"Why that?"
"Because she left us without telling us! She definitely gets a B+ for that."
I chimed in at that point. "Hey, that's not fair. She shouldn't get a bad grade for something she couldn't control!"

They moved on soon after that. I'll have to actually read their journal entries to see what else they had to say...