Thursday, April 26, 2012

What would you do without TV?

The 8th grader's assignment for today was to answer some questions about technology, specifically television.  One of the questions they had to answer was, "How would you learn about new ideas?"  I don't think these boys were talking about that particular question, but I overheard this conversation about the lack of TV:

(picture a bookish young 8th grader with glasses) "But then we couldn't watch educational videos!"
(his neighbor, another 8th grade boy) "That's what the internet is for."

Most of them said they would miss their phones the most if a piece of technology disappeared from their lives.  I was kind of surprised how many said video games had the greatest negative impact on society.  A few people said phones and the internet.  The internet was also listed as the greatest positive impact on society along with hair straighteners, electricity, light bulbs, the internet, and toilets.  Great thinkers, these 8th graders.

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