Friday, February 22, 2013

Explosions, Snow, and Transportation

I can't believe it.  This week has been the most bizarre out of the entire year!  School called off on Tuesday... No water on Wednesday... a mini explosion on Thursday... and school called off on Friday too!

Yesterday, the water problem still hadn't gotten fixed.  The dads hooked up the hose thing again, this time leaving the water running in the kitchen sink so the hose wouldn't freeze up while we weren't using the water. They couldn't figure out where the pipe was frozen.  About five different people were over here trying to solve the problem.  There was a Jetter Clean van, a local plumbing company, and some other experts who came to take a look.  But nothing they tried worked.

About an hour before the end of the school day, there was a loud boom!  I didn't hear it since my room is tucked away from the main hallway.  Apparently, one of the pipes (not sure where, possibly the basement) burst/exploded.  And all the students were in an uproar.  Then we found out there was some water in Mr. E's laundry room.  So now they think there's a broken pipe somewhere.  Eventually the guys in charge decided to stick a hose/camera thing down the pipes to see if they could find the blockage, but no one knew where the blueprints were for the school's pipe system to figure out where the pipes go.  Finally someone remembered that this other someone was the one who had them last.  With all this mess, they were trying to figure out if we should even have school on Friday, but by the time it was seriously talked about, all the kids were on the bus and it was too late to send a note home.  Plus a winter storm was supposed to come through, so who knew what the weather was going to be like?

Friday morning.  Listening to the radio.  Nicollet is two hours late... but no New Ulm.  So I would have to go to school to watch my two students who ride the New Ulm bus and wait until 10:00 for my other four students to show up.  I kept peeking out my window to see what the parking lot looked like... and it hadn't been plowed!  The sidewalks hadn't even been shoveled off!  That is pretty strange because they're normally good about cleaning the snow off.  Just in case they were having a late start to the day, I waited and waited and waited, but no one started scooping snow.  Finally I decided to just go.  But my snow boots were in my vehicle.  I hopped my way to my garage, backed my car over a huge drift without problems, and pulled up to my house.  My socks were getting soaked, so I ran back in for a dry pair, picked up my gear, and hopped back through the snow into my vehicle.

Once I was out of my parking lot, the roads were fine, so I made it to school without any difficulties.

About a half an hour after the New Ulm bus dropped off its charges, Mr. E got a call from the Nicollet bus driver: Nicollet just called off school.  They waited until he started picking up kids and then they called to tell him to turn around.  UGH!  It was the same thing that happened on Tuesday but with the schools flip-flopped!  So then there was a scramble to get the kids at school shipped back home.  Sigh.  And I was looking forward to getting something done with my students at school today.

I'm planning to visit my parents this weekend, but my sister wants a ride home too and she doesn't get done with school until 3:00.  So now what to do?  I suppose I'll have to go home and read some books.  Maybe I'll get some cleaning accomplished.  Hmm...

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