Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Day 2

Another great day in the 5th and 6th grade room. They were a little more talkative, but read-to-self was the quietest it's ever been! We did our spelling placement tests for the 5-8th graders. Now I have to figure out how to place them at their level of book...

I got to school earlier than usual this morning since I left early-ish yesterday and since there's no busing, kids are getting dropped off at all times. I had a list on the board like I usually do, but this time I added things that have been on my to-do list for a while, things I wouldn't normally have students do, but things they're capable of doing. So I had 5th grade boys figure out how to get our fish tank working (one got it done in less than five minutes), hot glue a poster to the wall, rehang banana name tags that fell off our welcome bulletin board... They did great! I should let them do things more often!

Now that our fish tank is working, I need to buy a fish. I got a sustaining pet grant from Pets in the Classroom which lets me spend $50 on supplies for our class pet. I bought heat lamp bulbs for Joe and still have $5 to spare. Guess we'll use that to buy some fish! I've never had fish before... I hope they'll survive. Either way it's a learning experience!

Tonight I have to leave school early again. The fall Barnes and Noble book talk is tonight at 4:30. Then I'm hosting bible study tonight at 6:30. There should be just enough time to get everything done, as long as I stay on track. I'm hoping to leave school early to get my errands done before the book talk is over to give me extra time before study. So far that seems like it could happen!

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