Tuesday, August 28, 2018

First Day

First day: check. This summer flew by faster than ever. Of course, that could've been all the traveling I did... after school got out, a college friend and I drove around Scotland for 10 days. My youngest sister got married in early July, then a different college friend and I went to Croatia (during the World Cup) with a side trip up to Vienna for a weekend to celebrate another friend's wedding (then back down to Croatia). It was a blast! But two 10 day trips really take a big chunk out of the summer.

My classroom got put back together without too much trouble. Decorations were put up by my mom who came up to help one day. My library got a quick polish and one new spinney rack, so there's room for expansion again. Everything else is pretty much the same, though my theme this year is "jungle" instead of "ocean".

The first day flew by... greeting students, opening chapel, read-aloud, Writers Workshop, Daily 5, and before I knew it, lunchtime! After lunch also passed quickly. My voice is a little hoarse from talking so much, but the students seemed to absorb everything without getting overwhelmed. Two days left this week!

I was supposed to have volleyball tonight, but it's rainy and cold (and the games were just for fun), and the games got cancelled. That was our last match before the official tournament. I'm kind of bummed, but it will be nice to stay dry and warm!

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