Thursday, February 15, 2018

Food Fear Factor

The wind is howling out there. We had a few nice days and now it's time for the weather to dip down to it's normal temperatures. It's so blustery it's making the internet slow! Well, maybe the wind isn't causing that, but man, computers are dragging today!

It's unfortunate because I had/have a lot of computer work to do today. Miss S and I signed our school up for Fine Arts Fair events. A very kind lady gave the teachers a gift card for Teachers Pay Teachers (a site for teachers to sell/share resources they've made for their classrooms with other teachers). There's a sale today, so I have been searching for items on Teachers Pay Teachers to spend my gift card. Yay good deals! Boo slow internet! But I think I have my purchases figured out, so hopefully I can go home soon. 

This afternoon the school nurse did Food Fear Factor with my students. She had 17 different fruits and vegetables of all the colors available for my students to try. For each three they tried, they got one marble in the jar. Almost everyone tried everything! They earned 48 marbles which put us over the top of the jar. That means tomorrow they get to pick a prize. I'm guessing they'll pick that we watch a movie. One student has been asking to watch Hidden Figures, a movie about the African american women who programmed NASA's first space mission. It's PG, so there's a good chance we can watch it, as long as there's no bad language.

Some of the fruits/veggies we tried today: guava juice (really good even though I don't like guava fruit), dried okra (very strange to eat), blood orange, mango, fennel root, beet greens, beets, mashed cauliflower, mushrooms, red peppers, dates, prunes, avocado, and carrots.

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