Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hockey Goals

We had another floor hockey game today.  I was so proud of my 6th graders!  One of my students was the goalie for her team and even though the other team kept making goals, she didn't let it get to her.  She kept calm and in good spirits and didn't throw a temper tantrum.  (However, she wouldn't let anyone else have a turn being goalie... so there's still things to work on).  My 6th grader on the other team is a hockey superstar.  His team ended up winning 8 to 1.  He told me later that he made an assist on every single one of his team's points.

But that's not what made me so happy.  What made me so proud watching the game was that even though he could've made almost every shot, he decided to share and passed the ball to a teammate instead.  Every single person on his team scored a point, and there were a few kindergarteners and 1st graders on the team.  He made sure his younger sister got the ball.  And then when she missed, he passed it right back to her and that time she made it in.  Then he did the same thing with the kindergarten girl.  The crowd went wild when she shot it in the net!

The spelling bee is coming up soon and we need to decide who's going to represent our class.  I had a few of my students pegged, but no one wanted to go to the spelling bee.  One of my choices said her dad is making her do it.  No one else volunteered to go, so I said if I didn't get any volunteers, I was going to start calling parents.  Then I realized I would see almost all of them at tonight's Lenten service.

I ended up talking to one of their mothers and she said she would be glad to force her son to do the spelling bee, especially since his sister is doing it and so it wouldn't be a big deal for him to do it as well.  Hmm, I wonder what he's going to say tomorrow at school...

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