Thursday, January 19, 2012

Walkin' through the valley of the shadow of death

Because of the holiday, we didn't follow the normal school day pattern.  We began our morning with a recitation of a poem about civil rights (it incorporated parts of MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech).  It's funny to see them so dedicated to memorizing, especially when Mrs. J told them she specifically wants them to read their part from the paper, not recite it. 

A few hours later, we went to share our poem with the 6th grade class.  Now, normally, this wouldn't be a huge deal, but the 6th grade classrooms are squished between the elementary school and the high school.  We went to their room just after our lunch, which just so happens to be the beginning of the high schoolers' lunch time.  I never used to think high schoolers were scary, but that day they were terrifying!  I don't know if it was because the 4th graders were acting intimidated or if I am just a pansy, but I was super uncomfortable walking through the teenage mob.  Some of them ignored us, others barely spared a glance, but some stared at us until we disappeared from view.  Of course it felt like every single eye was trained on us as we walked single file through the halls.  But we made it to the 6th grade classroom without a mishap, performed our poem, and filtered back through the big-kid crowd.  Yikes! I can see why they keep elementary and high school students separate. 

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