Saturday, March 3, 2012

Animal Ag day 2

Well, my other class of 4th graders had even more fun with this lesson.  The pig video was again very popular.  Here are some of their other comments:

"The most interesting thing is when the pig had a baby.  It came out so fast and stood up right away."
"The interesting thing is to have eyes on an animal." (this student was referring to the fact that a cow's eye placement lets it see almost entirely around its body).
"The most interesting thing is that you have a peacock."
"I like the cows because of how big they are!"
"That the animals go the other way to keep an eye on you."
"When animals are having babies. Always keep an eye on the animals."
"Animals are fun but sometimes annoying... Peacocks can be on farms."

Since they liked the video so much, I am going to try bringing in more hands-on visual aids.  I contacted our local veterinary office to borrow some visual aids.  They let me borrow some x-rays, a hog catcher, calf pulling chains, an empty blood sample tube, a syringe (with no needle), and a few other things.  My dad is going to be passing by the school on Monday on his way home with baby chicks for the fair, so we might try to finagle a visit with my 4th graders.  Hopefully everything works out!

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