Friday, November 16, 2012

Lots of Late Nights...

I don't know, something about this week made the days seem longer than most.  Tuesday night I was still at school making worksheets at 7:30pm when my friend Diana called me (she made me go home).  Wednesday night we had about a two hour long PTL meeting.  Last night I was making a PowerPoint of the life cycle of stars and lost track of time.  Tonight I was going to leave at 5:30, but then this lawyer called me about going in to see a chiropractor about possible injuries I sustained from a car accident that I had been in last weekend with my friend Alex on her wedding day (We were in the Cities on our way to get Alex's nails fixed. One of her other friends was driving and some guy pulled out in front of us on the highway and smashed into our car. No one was hurt, but Alex's mom wanted us to get checked out anyway so she called one of her lawyer friends).  He just wouldn't stop talking!  So now I'm going to the chiropractor tomorrow to see what's up.

Today was a great day... we finished our read aloud book, are getting to the exciting part in Holes during reading, got our spelling test finished on time, had a great time during science learning about stars... and then we had practice for Bells.  The 6-8th graders are playing handbells on Sunday, so they went over to church to practice with the 1-2nd grade teacher.  I watched her students outside.  Half of them were supposed to stay at school with me, but for some reason they all ended up over at church.  Then they all came back and we were going to have science/math.  Well, all the boys ran off to the playground to play football.  The 1-2nd graders were lined up to go in.  My 6th grade boys started to come in, but they got distracted by the 7-8th grade boys rushing out to play.  I had to call them three times before they came in.  The 1-2nd graders were up at arms, "Miss Heintz! They're not coming in!"  Finally we had everybody situated and then half the 7-8th graders realized they hadn't brought their notebooks or a writing utensil to class!  I was so frustrated!

Class today was the worst I've seen all year.  Every ounce of respect I had earned this year went out the window.  People were talking all over the place.  Just when it would be almost quiet, someone would start in with a random comment that was pretty much wasting air!  I had no idea what to do.  I just stood there in shock.  I was this close to kicking one of them back to Mr. E's room... I should have just done it, but he said, "Oh no, I'll behave now."  So I let it slide.  We got through the PowerPoint, but I don't know how much learning was going on.  I just don't know what the consequences should be!  But I'm at the breaking point; from now on, if they mess around, they're getting sent back.  No ifs, ands, or buts.

After the kids had left for the day, one of the other teachers asked how my day went.  I told her that if I were a crying teacher, I'd be crying right now, but I'm not, so I'm just overwhelmed.  After a class like that, you just feel like you are a horrible teacher and you're not doing your job.  And then when you realize how much is left of the school year... and that every day could be like that... it's enough to make you want to quit!  Ugh!  But I'm not going to.

Monday is a new day and a new week.  Thanksgiving break is coming up.  Lots of brainstorming will be happening to make science more interesting. 

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