Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Turkeys

The last day of school this week went pretty well.  Two groups of 7th and 8th graders presented today.  One group had a lot of great information, but read straight off the slides (they copied and pasted words right off websites, and it showed).  The other group was done by one 8th grader.  He didn't actually do a whole lot of research about his country.  I would ask a question about it, and he'd say, "uh, I don't know."  Then I'd ask about a picture he had on a slide... the same answer. 

For the most part, the 7th and 8th graders were okay respectful-wise.  One boy kept blurting out answers to questions, even though he was an audience member, not one of the presenters.  So I kicked him out.  He tried to argue a little, but I just repeated myself and he left.  Mr. E made him write an apology note and have his mom sign it. 

At the end of class, I had everyone give some feedback on the presentations.  Most of the people who weren't goofing off made some really good points.  Things to try for next time: No irrelevant questions.  No gross humor.  Know the information on your slides. 

There were some other ones too, but these were the most important ones they came up with. 

The last few minutes of the day the 6th graders spent making thankful turkeys.  I drew shapes on the board, they cut them out of scraps of construction paper, and we made them into turkeys.  The boys wanted to make theirs Chinese and give them sunglasses, but I axed that idea.  We cleaned up, prayed, and booked it out the door.

Now it's my turn to head home!

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