Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cootie Insurance

I got the strangest request this morning.  Before the bell rang, one of the 6th grade boys came up to my desk and said, "Quick, I need some Cootie Insurance.  Can you give me some?"  It took me a while before I figured out what he was getting at (he was hugged by one of the 7th grade girls and decided that he needed a safety measure against cooties).  Deciding to play along, I replied, "I'd love to give you some insurance, but I don't think I'm licensed to give it out."  He just kind of looked at me for a while. 

The other 6th grade boy (who was waiting to say his memory work) clued him in, "Uh, Miss H is a girl, so she would probably give you cooties anyway." 

This didn't faze him at all, "Oh well, I'll just go ask Mr. D.  He'll give me some.  Can I borrow a post-it note?"  A few minutes later he came waltzing into the room and dramatically attached the post-it to his desk.  "There.  Now if some girl touches me, I just have to touch this post-it note, and I'm safe from cooties!" 

In other news, I finally got my laptop back from the IT guys!  And it works!  They said the battery went bad; not a rare problem, but my computer wouldn't turn on because of it, something very rare.  Regardless of the fact, I'm very happy to have a computer I can take home with me.  Now I won't have to stay at school so late! 

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