Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happier than a 6th grader riding a sled behind a snowmobile...

Today was super nice outside.  It was my turn to watch the 1-2nd graders during their afternoon recess and we went outside.  The weather was so gorgeous, it made me want to put on some snow pants and boots and run around making snowmen and snow forts.  Unfortunately, I was wearing shoes not appropriate for playing in the snow, so I was stuck on the playground (still covered in snow).  A few kids wanted me to give them underdogs, but I had to beg off because I didn't want my socks to get all wet from snow falling into my shoes.  I did give them pushes on the swings. 

During noon recess, one of the 8th graders said, "Hey Miss H, can you tell me when it's about eleven after twelve?"  I said sure, figuring he wanted to switch games at that time.  At the appointed hour, I let him know and he yelled out, "Sweet! It's almost 12/12/12 12:12."  Oh.  Right.  I forgot about that.

At lunch, one of the 6th graders said, "Hey Miss H, guess what I'm going to do after practice? ... [two of the 8th graders] are going to bring their snowmobiles to school and they're going to pull me around on a sled behind them."  I just stared at him, finally saying, "I don't think that's a good idea."  Immediately, the rest of the class tried to convince me that it was fine, mostly by arguing that they do it at home all the time, or they've done it before with their dads.  I ended the argument (at least in my mind) by saying something along the lines of it not being safe and they shouldn't do it at school and if they wanted to, they should talk to Mr. E about it first.  Like they would actually do that.  The worst part is, I think their parents were going to drop off the snowmobiles at school. 

Anyway, during Christmas program practice, one of the 8th graders talked about the snowmobiling plan for after practice (I had forgotten about it), so I went to talk to the principal.  I felt like such a little snitch!  But really, if any of them got hurt on school property, we would be held responsible.  I think Mr. E talked to them after school, but shortly after boys' basketball practice was over, I heard the gunning of a snowmobile engine.  Grr.  Those boys.  Well, I know my 6th grader is alive; he came back into the classroom for his book bag. 

I spent most of my time after school trying to scrounge up some science equipment for our school.  One of my professors had suggested calling some of the nearby colleges to see if they had any surplus or old equipment being replaced.  I did and it turns out they have a whole department for that kind of stuff.  I'm still waiting to hear back what things they can give us, but hopefully it will be something good!

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