Monday, December 17, 2012

One Down, Four to Go

Our first Christmas program practice at church was today.  We got through everything (minus the bells) and there were no major mess-ups. 

I don't know, lately I've been feeling like a lazy teacher because I don't seem to be teaching anything!  The whole afternoon was basically shot because of program practice.  We squeezed all the other subjects into the morning to leave our afternoon open, but it still felt like I wasn't doing anything.  Grr... frustrating.

Last Friday, one of the 4th grade girls started "dating" a 1st grade boy.  It set the playground all abuzz with the news.  About five of them came running up to tell me.  They were planning a date for Monday (today).  She was going to wear her high heels and skirt.  I have no idea how they were planning to make school into a date but...  Anyway, the other teachers wanted to wait until Monday to see what happened; they thought it might blow over (this girl has been "in love" with a bunch of other boys already this year and it's changed on a daily/weekly basis).  But today rolled around and the two of them wanted to walk over to church together for Christmas practice.  Hmm.  It doesn't appear to be blowing over.  We'll have to see what happens tomorrow...

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