Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day...

I learned my lesson well today. 

This morning, I wanted to finish up a bag of cereal I've had in my cupboard for a while: cinnamon toast crunch.  It's been languishing in the cupboard partly because it's so sugary and partly because there wasn't a full serving left.  But this morning I decided to finish it off. 

I fully intended to eat something else in addition to the half a serving left in the bag, but I was correcting papers and drinking tea, so I didn't think of it until it was too late and I was walking out the door.  The funny thing was that I didn't feel that hungry most of the morning.  And then...

After English, right before lunch, I was kneeling down helping a student with her homework.  All of a sudden I felt light headed and my vision started blacking out.  I sat down on my heels, hoping it would go away.  It didn't work.  There was ringing in my ears and then I suddenly felt really really warm.  I remembered my mom telling us about times she would get low blood sugar suddenly and have to eat something sugary right away, so I dug around in my purse for a lifesaver or something. 

Thankfully, I had a granola bar stashed there and quickly took a bite.  I didn't want to worry my kids, so I was trying to keep going with the normal routine.  One of the boys noticed me eating during class and said something about me breaking the rules, but I just ignored him.  I didn't want to explain what was going on. 

We got started doing our math facts for the day.  Lunch was in just three minutes.  My thoughts were going wild and I almost started to panic.  What would happen to me?  Would someone have to drive me to the hospital?  Who would take over my class?  Would they be able to do the things we had planned for the day?  I figured I would hold out until lunch, and then ask Mr. E what to do. 

My vision started clearing up after a few minutes and then I felt normal enough to go to lunch.  Of course, today of all days we were having french toast sticks with sugar and a fatty piece of ham.  There was just enough for everyone, so I couldn't even beg extras from the cook.  But there was some bread and peanut butter, and I took full advantage of that. 

I ended up not telling Mr. E.  I didn't want him to worry and I'm pretty sure that it was just because of my poor breakfast choice this morning.  Of course during recess, all the kids wanted me to play with them: jump roping, basketball...  I was feeling better, so I did jump a little bit.  But all day I just felt off.  Hopefully a decent supper and a good night of sleep will get me back to normal.

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