Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Sneaky Kids!

Ha, my kids were so cute today.

There was a student council meeting over lunch, and I'm pretty sure they are planning a surprise for the teachers that involves candy and pop.  How do I know? Well, let me tell you!

While I went through the lunch line getting my lunch, everyone else had made it back to the classroom and was eating.  The student council meeting had just gotten over, so our councilwoman was in the room getting her classmates up to speed.  The door was closed, nothing too odd about that.  But when I walked in, there were quite a few wide eyes and innocent faces, like I walked in while they were talking about me.

Then there was the whole, "Okay, [student's name], you know what you have to do? Right? Right? About that thing we were talking about before... *ahem*"  It's not a direct quote, but my memory is about 90% accurate on this.  One kid (not too skilled at being subtle) answered, "You mean what we were talking about before Miss H came in here?" Then came the, "Hey! Shhh! Don't say...!" and those meaningful looks you give people when they're saying too much.

A few minutes later, one of them casually asked me what my favorite kind of candy is.  Another one asked me again while I was watching recess duty.  Then the same kid, plus a few more, brought it up during 7th and 8th grade geography! They wanted to know my favorite pop too.  Those little sneakers!

It was so hard to keep a straight face!  The 7th and 8th graders were a bit more subtle than my kiddos; they made it into a conversation about favorite candy and talked about their favorites too.  For some reason, this talk made them think of our teacher gift exchange.  They've been bugging me to tell them the letters/initials I picked for the thing I want (we're doing gift exchange the same way I do it with my class).  At the same time, one of them asked me, "Miss H, do you have a boyfriend?" (He'd asked that question a while ago in the middle of class, so I didn't answer).  Since it was the beginning of class, I did answer him this time.  Then another kid said, "Oh, I bet it's AR, a ring."  Well, that got me flustered!  The letters I picked were MC.  That same boy who made the ring comment said, "Does it stand for 'many kids'?"  Oh boy.  I set him straight and then we got down to geography business.  But for all you, I may as well spill the beans.  MC stands for 'mint chocolate'.  I wonder if my person will figure it out!

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