Thursday, May 9, 2019

#7- Redo Round

My kids are so impressed with my planning abilities. Yesterday, our special activity was sit anywhere for the day, chosen on a Wednesday so they wouldn't have to move their desks into a circle for religion class (we have chapel on Wednesdays). Today, their activity was an extra redo round so they could finish up their spelling/handwriting/memory since I was a tough cookie and told them yesterday they have to get their work done before lunch.

It was a rough morning. These kids don't do their homework at home!!! I had five out of 12 students have to have a late lunch because of memory work. I eventually told them if they said one part of their memory work, they could eat. One boy still hadn't said his half by the time recess was over, so I let him eat. Sigh. Frustrating.

I just printed off my last week lesson plan for the year. It's weird to think that next Friday is our last day, but I'm also glad. This week has been a tough one.

Tonight was our Variety Night. I am kind of in charge of this event... typing the program, putting together the powerpoint for the projector, collecting the names of the acts/people from teachers, coming up with ideas for our teacher skit. We filmed another couple days this week. Mrs. L's husband did an awesome job editing the video. It's ten minutes long, but it sure doesn't feel like it! When he uploads it to YouTube, I'll add a link.

The kids LOVED it. They thought it was hilarious. I thought it was hilarious! The parents and grandparents thought it was hilarious. Root beer floats afterwards went well too. We had enough of everything and only ran out of cups (thankfully PTL had a bunch handy, so we snagged a few more from them). We ran out of plastic spoons too. My second year teaching one mom bought us a gigantic box of 600 plastic spoons. It's lasted this long! I guess if that's 100 spoons per year, I am wrapping up year seven.

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