Thursday, September 5, 2024

A Teacher and a Funeral

I'm doing another short-term sub job for a 5-6th grade teacher in Belle Plaine for two weeks. Their teacher's wife had a baby in August, so he's on paternity leave for the first two weeks of school. Tuesday was the first day. Mr. H wanted to be there for that, so I taught Wednesday through Friday this week. 

It's a jaunt. I need to leave home at 6:30 to get to school in time to set up before students arrive. The first two days have been good. Nothing too strenuous curriculumwise. I started a read-aloud book with them, Faker by Gordon Korman. We did some team building activities this afternoon: building the tallest tower and drawing without seeing the object. They worked pretty well together! 

Sweetest part of the day: a student brought me a dozen eggs, all the colors possible! 

Bitter part of the day: Ilsa died this morning. She made it through the night, but was pretty unresponsive before I left for school. She died sometime when G dropped the girls off at school. He dug a hole in the north pasture for her. We're calling that area Ilsa's Corner. Our herd will definitely be different without her...

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