Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Carnivorous Plants

Today we pulled out the microscopes for the first time, and I was less than impressed.  They were really light weight and had a mirror on the bottom instead of a light bulb.  You couldn't see anything unless the mirror was tilted exactly right.  Some of my girls picked more flowers, so we examined their parts during science (since we were talking about parts of a plant). 

We were given a carnivorous plant kit from my aunt; she said she was never going to use it.  So these plants will be our new "class pets."  Unfortunately, some of the seeds take six weeks to get ready to plant!  Those ones are currently resting in the fridge in the hallway.  I should probably put a note on them so they don't accidentally get thrown away. 

Today was my first time being recess monitor for the kindergartners through fourth graders.  It was so much fun!  I got to push kids on the swings, give them underdogs, eat some "popcorn" and "pizza," watch kids swing upside-down-one-handed from the monkey bars, and see the boys play kickball.  So much creativity!  I was also introduced to the term "web swinging."  Two little girls wanted me to hold their swings together so they could latch on to the other one with their legs, creating a web.  And then they wanted me to push them. 

Another boy and girl were swinging next to each other.  After giving them both underdogs, they wanted to see if I could reach them.  I tried to touch the bottoms of their feet, but they were too high!  Of course they thought it was hilarious for me to keep trying to touch their feet.  Eventually, the girl figured out that she could get an extra push if she kept her legs straight when I touched them.  We called it Backwards Pushing.  It was an instant hit.  Before we went inside, two of the kindergartners gave me some tiny flowers.  They're wilting on my desk right now, but I'm not quite ready to throw them away. 

The 1st and 2nd graders have been looking forward to me teaching them art ALL DAY.  In chapel this morning, when Pastor asked for prayer requests, one little boy said "we get to have Miss Heintz teach us art today!"  At recess they all wanted to know when I was coming in to their classroom.  When it was finally time for art, we got started right away.  But before that, the 7th and 8th graders came to my room for science.  Then my kids came back from math and the 7th and 8th graders went back to their room to get some homework to bring to my room to work on while everyone else was doing bells. (Half of the 7th and 8th graders are doing Bells on Monday, the other half on Wednesday; the rest are having study hall).  Finally I could go to Mrs. T's room for 1st and 2nd grade art. 

We made apple shaped collages out of magazines.  They actually turned out really cool.  Of course I had one student who finished his project in like 10 minutes.  So I had him help pass out colors of magazines that his classmates needed.  Then he took around the garbage can.  He was most helpful, even though he was pretty loud.

I came back to my room to find the boards clean and every 6th grader sitting in his/her desk, getting ready for the end of the school day.  What a great end to the day! 

And then the volleyball coach was late (today was the first day of practice).  All day students have been asking me if I'm going to help coach, and my answer was always, "No one has asked me if I could help."  But I guess I ended up volunteering myself after school.  The head coach is one of my 6th graders' moms.  Hopefully this won't get to be too much to handle the first year of teaching.  But it doesn't sound like we have too many games, and we only have practice twice a week (Mondays and Wednesdays from after school til 4:15).  I didn't bring clothes to change in to, so I just stayed at practice in my teacher clothes.  I will for sure remember other clothes next time.  So I guess practice was the real end to my day.  Now I'm going to head home and lesson plan for tomorrow!

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