Friday, September 7, 2012

It's Friday!

Well, I made it through week two without too much trouble.  The 7th and 8th graders were pretty crazy today... and I had them for an hour.  Two girls were working on their assignment while I was teaching, the boys were giggling in the corner... let's just say they're getting a seating chart on Monday.

On another note, noon recess was quite entertaining today.  Since soccer season is starting, the 6th-8th graders have been playing soccer.  Today just three of my sixth graders made two goals on the four eighth graders that were out there.  Of course, that score got turned around when more of them came out, but still, I was pretty proud.  The eight grader who always plays goalie was feeling goofy today.  When he grabbed the ball, he held it close to him and said, "my precious" just like that creepy guy from "Lord of the Rings."  One of my sixth grade girls found a tiny skeleton of a creature, only about one and a half inches.  We're not sure what it is.  She thought it was a frog, but I think the spine is not quite right.  I'm going to have to do some research (if I ever get the internet working in my apartment).  She also found a huge orange beetle (dead) about the same size as the skeleton.  We brought both of them in to add to our collection.

I finally got our carnivorous plants planted.  The terrarium is sitting underneath our northeast window to get the appropriate amount of sunlight.  I guess it's going to take three to six weeks for the plants to start coming up.  Sigh.  I hate waiting.  The rest of the seeds are still resting in the fridge, pretending it's winter.

We got a new volleyball player today.  A little third grader was added to our team to get the numbers up for B squad.  I worked with her a lot on serving the ball.  She made one over the net during our scrimmage!

My classroom is tidy, plants are watered, and I'm packing up to go home for a weekend of lesson planning.  Woohoo!  I'll probably squeeze a stop to the library in sometime this weekend.  But other than that, no wild crazy plans.

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