Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's a Lab Table!

Another great start to the week.  My 6th graders are starting to get the hang of Daily 5; today we started working on Word Work... aka spelling, handwriting, and creative writing.  There just isn't enough time!  We also came up with some goals/rules for the year. 

At noon recess, our froggy friend was still hopping around.  Two of the 6th grade girls went on a nature hunt again.  This time they brought me flowers.  Right now the flowers are in an old art container on my desk.  The rest of the students played Lone Wolf, a type of soccer game where everyone tries to make a goal and the goalie tries to block the ball.  If it goes in, whoever shot the ball gets to be the new goalie. 

Geography with the 7th and 8th graders even went pretty well.  I had to separate those two 8th graders again and they still made faces at each other!  I'm hoping it will sort itself out the next few days.  We were discussing maps and somehow got on the topic of the Bermuda Triangle.  Now that was an interesting discussion.  My homework for next time is to find out where it's located. 

My lab table was delivered the last ten minutes of school.  It's not exactly what I pictured, but since it's free, I'm not complaining.  There are slots for drawers and places where electricity can get hooked up, but there aren't any drawers or electricity right now.  There also aren't cabinets underneath, but someone could easily add some.  So, now we just need to get a SMARTboard, and we'll be all set!

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