Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Today was D-day, dissecting day. Actually, we're dissecting tomorrow too, but not as hardcore as today. Not that our dissecting lab was hardcore... it was more a discovery learning kind of thing. The 7th and 8th graders did waaaay better with instructions and the whole project than I thought they would. Everyone paid attention and did what they were supposed to. It was really nice. And it wasn't as smelly as we all thought it would be!

We started out by watching at Youtube dissection where the guy walked through it step by step (I had watched it last night to see what to do), but once we got started cutting into the pigs it was easier to just keep going, so we only watched about two minutes worth of the video. Once they got in there, we looked at the different body parts and tried to identify them. Tomorrow they'll get to cut into more of the organs and we'll hopefully get to the brain.

Whew, you can tell it's the last three days of school! My 5-6th graders had a super hard time focusing today. I gave them the end of the year teacher survey I always do. Most kids said generic things and I wasn't too surprised about their favorite/least favorite projects. One girl did surprise me though... she thought all the projects were boring and seemed like they were for little kids and that she feels like kids her age in other schools know a lot more than she does. And she thinks class got really boring and I myself annoyed her and frustrated her. Huh. Well, I did say to be completely honest.

I'm giving the survey to the 7-8th graders tomorrow...

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