Thursday, May 17, 2018


Can you believe tomorrow is the last day of school? Neither can I. I'm super glad that it is though; my kids are so antsy I don't think we could make it any more days!

Our special balloon activity of the day was to read outside today. Since it was so nice out, we ended up doing our whole morning out there. We finished our read-aloud book, did Daily 5 rounds, and enjoyed the summer-ish temperatures. The 3rd and 4th graders were on a field trip today, so we got to eat lunch early.

The second day of dissecting for the 7-8th graders went well too. First, we corrected our last week of spelling. Yay! We're getting new spelling curriculum next year (hopefully) so it really is the last time we'll have to do that. I'm so glad; I don't like this spelling curriculum.

After correcting, we watched a few videos put together by the Pork Producers featuring a hog farming family that goes to our school (the grandma/matriarch of the family brought them in... she's been helping us with dissecting, so she thought it would go hand-in-hand with what we did).

The 5-6th graders spent the afternoon after math watching National Treasure 2. We'll finish it tomorrow.

They keep asking when our book orders will be to school. We ordered last Thursday and they finally shipped yesterday. Grr... But it says that they'll arrive by the end of the business day Friday. My kiddos want them to come sooner so we can read them in school. They say if they start reading them at school, they'll keep reading them at home over the summer. But they're worried if they don't start at school there will be no incentive for them to start them at home. Man I hope they come during the school day!!! If they don't come by the end of the school day, I'll still be able to give the books to them tomorrow night at the end of the year awards night. I have to give them their report cards too.

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