Friday, May 12, 2023

T Minus Five

Boy, today was a tough day, but actually better than I expected. Rain was in the forecast for today. Not good for Track and Field Day in Fairmont. If it got cancelled, the rain date would be Monday and we'd have to go to school today. I got the message this morning that it was postponed due to rain. 


I had a room full of kids cranky about having to come to school. Some hadn't said their memory work yesterday and now needed to say it before they could go to recess. Others didn't do their math because they wouldn't have math until Monday. So. The start of school was rough. 

One kid got kicked out to work in the 1-2nd grade room for a half an hour because he was so disrespectful. He wouldn't leave the classroom, so I called for backup (his mom). I hated doing it, but our morning would've been so much worse had he stayed. Another student was on the edge of her worst behavior, so I had a chat with her before school started. Lots of attitude, but she turned it around and she had a good morning. Once the other student came back, he had a good morning too. 

The rest of the day had ups and downs. But I made it. They made it. We made it. Only five more days to go! And two of those are not in the classroom. We can do it! But keep the prayers coming.

My kids are adamant that the chicken eggs are still growing. I wanted to empty out that incubator, but they insisted that the eggs are alive and we should keep them in. So, they candled them all and picked out the ones they didn't think were growing. They took out four. We're going to crack them open to see what we can see. Our duck and goose eggs should hatch Sunday! I hope we have better luck with them.

Last night's talent show was a success. You can watch it here. Or you can just watch our teacher skit, which was the best act for sure. 😉 My kids did okay on their Amazing Caterpillar Show. 7-8th bells sounded good. Serving root beer floats went well too. We had a lot of ice cream leftover and a bunch of pop (we'll serve it at the spring carnival next Friday) and raised about $200 towards Camp Omega next year!

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