Friday, May 19, 2023

Last Day

My kids were out of sorts today. It wasn't a horrible day, but they were hard to settle again and back to their old name-calling shenanigans. And complaining. Good thing it's the last day.

I ended up doing a balloon thing of sorts... Instead of writing our schedule on the board, I put our "last day of school to-dos" on slips of paper inside balloons with the amount of minutes they would take on the outside. Each kid popped one balloon.

Book Launch Party- 10min- They were excited to unwrap their NaNos. They loved the covers, but the back page... Complaints about the pictures I used as their author picture. One kid even threw his in the trash because he didn't want his picture on the back. We ended up putting a sticker over his face and then he was okay with keeping it. 

Daily 5 Rounds- 1h- I met with six students this morning to wrap up their reading. It went quick. They were pretty settled during that hour and quite a few read a bunch trying to finish reading their books before school got out. We had a class 'garage sale' where they could spend tokens they'd earned on prizes from the prize box. I got rid of quite a few items that way! And re-collected a bunch of tokens. I think a bunch went home in crates and backpacks... Their clean-up was not very clean. Lots of stuff shoved in wherever it would fit. Pretty typical of this class! 

Pinatas- 30min- Instead of hanging them by string that always breaks, we just hit them with baseball bats. 

Religion- 30min- We finished the bible but skimmed/summarized pretty much everything after Jesus rose from the dead. Bummer, because there's a lot of good stories in Acts.

Snack/Read Aloud- 30min- We didn't finish our read aloud, but no one cried about it. I had written that this had to be a morning activity on the outside of the balloon to ensure we'd have snack this morning, but they ended up popping it the half an hour before lunch. Oh well. 

Time Capsules- 10min- They loved looking through the things they put in there! Their pictures from the first day of school got a big reaction. Those were the pictures I used as their author pictures on their NaNos. The other big item was the string that was the height they were at the beginning of the year. A lot were surprised by how they grew! One girl must've held her string loose when she cut it because according to the string, she actually shrunk!

Lunch/Recess- 1h-ish- Indoors because it was cold. I had four kids staying in to study memory work. There was a shoe incident that involved a 4th and 6th grader throwing a 7th grader's shoes around the gym (before I got out to the gym of course). Sigh. They found one shoe, but not the other. She had to call her mom to bring an extra pair of shoes to wear home.

Science Lab- 30min- We made electromagnets! They wrapped wire around a giant nail, hooked the wire to a battery, and tested how many paper clips it could carry.

Clean Out Desks/Crates- 30min- This ended up being 10min because we went on a hunt for the missing shoe. No luck. We had to end early so we could get over to church by 1:30 for closing chapel.

Chapel ended at 2:10 and the kids who got their desks done already went to recess with the preschoolers. The others continued to clean. I had a few kids who used paint pens on their desks. That was a bugger to get off. The longer it had been on the desk, the harder it was to get off. I knew it would happen, but the kids didn't listen to me months ago when they decided to draw on their desks. A lot of elbow grease went in to scraping that stuff off.

After school, I spent my time entering grades, listening to memory work, and filling out report cards. I got them done with 10 minutes to spare! Then came the potluck (I brought a super juicy watermelon and cheerio bars). Then came the awards night. They honored me for my 11 years of teaching with a few pieces of chocolate cake, special cake from Lola's. They wanted to get a big cake, but two cake places said they didn't have time because of graduation cake, so PTL decided to go small and easy. After that came the carnival. I stood around talking to people awhile; it was nice to visit. Now it's time to pack up Joe and head home for a good night of sleep before our wedding celebration tomorrow!

Egg update: Nothing hatching in the incubator.

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