Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Back in 5th Grade

It's Mrs. M's original due date today. 

She took the day off and I subbed. It was nice to be back at Mt. Olive, especially on a Wednesday for chapel. The kids were pretty chatty all day (not just my class, seemed like most other classes). They were definitely excited to see me, and excited to hear that I will be back tomorrow afternoon (for Mr. N).

Funny moment from today: I overheard two little girls in the bathroom discussing a club they were starting:
"When do you think we should have it?"
"I don't know."
"Probably a Saturday or Sunday. Well, Saturday is cleaning day, so maybe Sunday. We can play and eat peanut butter sandwiches!"

Even though it's the end of the year with mixed up schedules because of testing/track and field practice/field trips, Mrs. M managed to craft a normal day. We did all the usual things, although we substituted handwriting for morning PE since track and field practice happens three days a week at the end of the day (every day but Wednesday and Friday). 

Her class is reading aloud Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. I read quite a few chapters of that today. I haven't read the book since middle school, and it kind of sucked me in... I might have to pull out my copy at home and finish it...

Mr. N's class didn't have a new read-aloud book, which Mrs. M had mentioned, so I brought a Choose Your Own Adventure book and an Encyclopedia Brown. We did Encyclopedia Brown today and will do the CYOA tomorrow. They had fun trying to guess how Encyclopedia solved the crime.

In homestead news, I purchased supplies to make goat tie-outs, so we can tether our goats to the lawn without a pasture fence. Since they haven't been tethered before, I want to start on a day I can keep an eye on them so they don't get tangled up. Tomorrow might be the day.

There's rain in the forecast for Friday and no more cold weather after Monday, so G and I want to get our garden in to take advantage. However, we need a fence before we expose our seedlings to the wild. Since I'm just teaching a half day tomorrow, our plan is to install the fence in the morning before I have to go in, and then plant after both of us are finished with work for the day. Hopefully the fence won't take super long. It's T posts and electric wire, so I'm optimistic! Although, projects always seem to take longer than anticipated... I guess we'll see!

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