Thursday, April 25, 2024

Taking it Easy on a Half Day

Yesterday, a fly buzzed around the classroom annoying everyone. The students spent the day trying to swat it. One boy (my rapper student), whispered to me that Mrs. M had promised whoever killed the fly a piece of candy... but apparently not many of them had paid attention or heard that announcement, because he and one other boy were the only ones who remembered. He wanted me to keep it a secret so that he'd have a higher chance of getting the candy. Well, it worked. He was the one to kill the fly. He wanted his candy right away, but I told him he'd have to wait for Mrs. M. I wrote her a note on the sub plans. She told me today that she had forgotten she'd made that promise, so it was a good thing she was able to find a piece of candy for him!

My day today was super easy. This morning I caught up on a few items that have been on my to-do list for way too long: hemming a pair of pants for a friend, sewing holes shut on a few beanbags I used with the 5th graders back in February, finishing framing a piece of art to hang in our bedroom, making the guest room beds. 

Since I made all our lunches for the week back on Monday, when it was time to go to school, I shoved my salad in my bag and headed out the door. I arrived just in time to take the 5th graders to lunch. 

Our schedule for the afternoon:
  • Devotion
  • Spelling worksheet (I did read-aloud while they worked... that choose your own adventure book)
  • Silent Reading
  • Hymn Quiz
  • Reading their class reading book Mr. Lemoncello's Library
  • Reading the reading book with Mrs. M's class
  • Track and Field Practice
  • Dismissal
Track and Field practice was wild... the 5-6th graders all practiced at the same time, which is roughly 60 kids. Mr. Z had stations set up and the students rotated between them depending which events they participate in. It was amazing to watch. A complete hive of activity. Boys' and girls' shotput, discus, sprinting, long distance running, long jump. Most impressive? 5th graders doing hurdles! Most ridiculous? How often I had to open the door for kids to get drinks or go to the bathroom!

Tomorrow I am subbing in 1st grade. I was a little nervous about it, but their teacher came over to me and shared that she has a student teacher, so I will only need to teach religion. The rest of the day will be supervising. She said I could bring things to work on. Maybe I'll bring some craft projects to do...

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