Friday, April 5, 2024

Mystery Plant

 Can you guess what this is?

Here's a hint: G and I walked through our pre-planted garden to see if anything had come up yet and discovered this. My shoe in the corner for a reference. 😅

We had seen animal tracks around the area, so at first I thought it was animal. But no. Rhubarb! I hadn't ever seen it coming up so tiny! 

For the record, this is something I had put there, not a volunteer. G's mom originally planted it on the side of the garage when she moved in. It was too shady there, so this fall I transplanted it to this patch of bare dirt. It had already gone dormant when I moved it, and I don't have much experience with moving existing plants, so I wasn't sure how well it would come up. So far so good!

The only other thing we detected in our garden were two little lines of garlic emerging, another experiment planted this fall. I had brought two garlic heads back from a garlic festival in Oregon (while on my annual summer vacation with my college friend L). They sat in a paper bag in my Nicollet house from early August through November, sometime in there getting moved to Mankato and hung in the closet under the stairs. Eventually I remembered them, probably mid-November. The heads weren't looking too good, all shriveled and dry, but there was enough life there that I decided to plant them anyway. 

After supper tonight G and I added two trees to our orchard: Honeycrisp apple to the west and Reliance peach to the east. We also decided to move a non-fruit tree we planted last summer from the side of the driveway to the side yard (to replace a dead tree also planted last summer). This will leave room for 2-3 more fruit trees along that side of the driveway. An apricot tree is our top choice. What else should we plant? 

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