Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Homestead Updates

The weather is glorious. 70 degrees and sunny. That makes me antsy to get some work done outside! 

We have a goat pasture blend on order for the backyard. I found a few bags of grass seed in the garage, given to me last fall by a friend, intended for the Nicollet house, but I never got around to seeding it. So, the Mankato house gets it! I broadcast the seed by hand around the front yard since we're not sure if we'll turn that section into a permanent pasture. It might as well get seeded with a heartier grass so if we do a temporary pasture, the goats will have something more to eat than flimsy lawn grass. I found a few seed packets of a wildflower mix, a butterfly mix, and a pollinator mix, so I spread those around too. No clue if any of them will take. Time will tell! 

Other updates:

Two pairs of swans will land in our pond every once in a while. One pair was back! Can you spot them in the picture?

Our rhubarb has unfurled quite a bit. No other progress in the garden. My big task today is to put up portable fencing around the garden so that if/when things do emerge, the deer won't eat them.

The goats are happy. The grass in their pen hasn't greened up much, but they keep browsing. We want them to eat everything down to the nub so that when we do seed the pasture, it won't have as much competition from the existing grass. Last night we decided we want a permanent fence around our second paddock in the backyard. That will give us more freedom (and less worry about them getting out). Other pasture plans are to add two natural ponds, one in each pasture, for our future ducks. I want the weather to warm up some more before we add to our menagerie, so no new animals on deck for now.

Mopsy, our adopted stray kitten, is doing great. We caught her up in a tree one morning, surveying the backyard. She stalks bugs and plays with Gerda (the baby goat). Yesterday, a bird smashed into one of our windows and died. G and I found it on the ground and gave it to Mopsy to see what she'd do with it. She played with it for a while and then ate it. She'll be a hunter before we know it!

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