Monday, December 15, 2014

It's Alive!

My students discovered the plant they've been reviving is a mint plant.  One of them was leaning over it to water the plant when he took a big sniff, "Hey, this smells minty!"  "That's because it is mint."  "There are mint plants? Can you eat them?"  "Sure."  So one kid took a teeny tiny fresh leaf... and said it tasted like dirt.  Another kid wanted to try it (something that tastes like dirt? exactly what I want to put in my mouth...) but he took a dried leaf.  "Hey, this actually tastes like mint!"  I had to put the kibosh on eating more leaves or there wouldn't be enough left for the plant to get energy!  It's been sending up a bunch of shoots now that it has more light, but the leaves are still little.

One of my ADHD kids didn't take his meds today.  He was off the wall, literally bouncing up and down in the classroom, giggling, grinning, etc.  I'm surprised he accomplished as much as he did this morning.  His sister dropped off his meds partway through the day, but by that time we pretty much only had program practice left.

The program is coming together, slowly but surely.  Mrs. E and I rearranged the layout of the front of church last night so we could add another riser.  Now there's plenty of room!  With that change, we also had to change everyone's seats around.  The 5-8th graders are on the ends of the risers to sneak out and say their parts and the 1-2 and K are in the middle so everyone can see them when they say their class parts.  It's a little different than previous years.  The manger scene is off to one side so we have room for five risers.  There wasn't any other way we could fit them all in.  And the bell tables... sigh.  I think I got those figured out after school today.  Normally, the tables are all in one straight line, but they'll cover up baby Jesus, so we're going to move them into position when it comes time for the offering.  The 8th graders probably won't be too happy about that, but what can you do?  They wanted to play up in the balcony, but I can just see the parents and grandparents complaining that they can't see their person playing the bells.  Plus it would take a while for the ringers to get up to the balcony after singing the last program song.  So we'll try it this way and see if it works. 

Everything is more complicated because we have to take everything down for church on Sunday since we have communion.  I don't know where to put the bell cases so they're not in anyone's way.  We have to take down all the risers Friday and put them back up on Sunday after church/the voters meeting... ugh, so much work.  The plan is to grab some hefty dads and ask them to help us get everything situated for the program. 

I need to get presents for my students.  Today I took them out to the gym and photographed them standing on one foot with a hand in the air.  I'm going to turn them into bookmarks that look like they're dangling/flying through the air.  I didn't tell them what I was doing... hopefully they don't think it's too lame.  I asked one of my sisters if she thought getting a bookmark would be an okay present and she just wrinkled her nose at me.  So some of the kids will think it's good and others will probably think it's dumb.  Oh well.  I'm kind of running out of time for a different plan!

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