Thursday, December 18, 2014

One Practice to Go!

Our pianist came to practice today for the first time... after running through the whole program, she pronounced she's comfortable with how it's going and she's going to cancel the extra practice we had scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.  Although we're missing kids, so far everything has been running smoothly.  One more practice tomorrow! 

Two kids in my class stayed home sick today.  Their moms wanted to know what homework they had... I thought for a minute and then... nothing.  They don't have any new assignments.  Part of me feels like I'm not doing my job.  But there really isn't time to give them homework, what with program practice every afternoon.  And they still have handwriting and spelling and memory work this week.  That's probably enough homework the week before Christmas break. 

Since I have a full two weeks of no school, I went a little overboard getting books to read... I took it easy at the New Ulm library since I won't be around to return books here, but I put holds on a bunch from the Fulda library and picked up a big book from the Bookmobile.  And Mrs. B (1st and 2nd grade) brought in three books this morning I'm supposed to read over Christmas break (the Kane Chronicles).  So.  I should be set with books!

Instead of making my kids take a test for MN history, I had them write a letter as if they survived the MN Dakota Uprising.  Of course I had certain things they had to include in their letters.  On the bottom of the rubric, I left a space for "comments" where I could write my thoughts about their work instead of writing on their actual letter.  Some of my students took it literally and wrote their comments about the assignment.  My favorite response [unedited]: "I love doing this instead of a test thank you Miss Heintz you are cool!"

Oh, tomorrow is going to be fast and furious!  Religion, read aloud, spelling tests, program practice, lunch, party, movie, home!  And yet I still have spelling books and other papers to correct tonight...

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