Wednesday, December 17, 2014

T-Minus Four

Four days until our program!  Only a few people forgot to come up to say their lines. 

A parent brought over wrapped presents for the magi to carry and made a background for our stable.  We strung lights over the top and some of them create a little tiny halo around the star at the point.  For Silent Night we light candles and shut all the lights off.  The lights will look so cool! 

Hand bells are sounding... kind of good and kind of sloppy.  I start them at a slower pace and then they speed up!  And they're going too fast during the complicated part so they mess up.  But I suppose it sounds okay if you don't know what you're listening for.  We figured out that one of the girls was using the wrong bell for a song.  She only plays one note with it, but that one note just didn't sound right to me.  Apparently I told her the wrong note name; she was playing a B instead of an A.  Ugh, I always get their names messed up.  Anyway, we got it straightened out.

Bulletin covers have been chosen.  Every year we have students decorate a bulletin cover and then we pick a certain number to be printed on the actual bulletins.  This year we picked one "winner" from each classroom.  My class was so hard to choose!  We decided to lay out all the entries on the tables for people to admire before/after the programs.

Now I need to head over to church to print off the bulletins for Sunday and Christmas Eve.  6:00 is Sunday School program practice.  I don't think I'll have enough time to go home and come back.  I brought my class's bookmarks to school, so maybe I'll put tassels on them so they're ready to go for Friday.  I made the ultimatum that if they're not done with memory work, they don't get to open their presents on Friday... they'll have to wait until January!

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