Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Cookie Baking

Tonight is cookie baking at Pastor's house. Mrs. B had asked if I'd mix up a batch of cookies to bring along so we could start baking right away. I didn't have time last night, but this morning I whipped together dough for pepper nuts. I had wanted to make almond sugar cookies, except I don't have any almond extract. Shoulda got some yesterday while running errands!  All my Christmas presents are bought and wrapped now. All I need to do is put up my tree...

The chiropractor said my rib wasn't out of place. Whew. He thought it maybe had something to do with my gallbladder, which freaked me out for a bit, but after poking and prodding (and no pain/discomfort), he ruled that out. So he thinks somehow I bruised the cartilage on my rib. That makes sense, although I have no clue what I bruised it on. I don't remember hitting myself there at all... the only thing I can think of is the podium. Maybe I leaned against it and the corner dug into my ribs. Or I held my lunch tray too tight against myself and poked an edge into the ribs. Who knows. I put some bruise ointment on it and iced it, and it feels much better today.

Program practice continues to go well. We scrapped the dance at the end. Too focused on those kids instead of on everyone. Plus they were super self-conscious about themselves and thought the 7-8th grade boys would laugh at them. It's for the best though. Today, we told the students they could dance in place, but I don't like the look of it. It's too random and only a few are doing it; it's too messy. I'm sure we'll talk about it at cookie baking tonight.

Speaking of which, I should get over there!

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