Thursday, January 3, 2019

Another Good Day

We had a very productive and creative day in 5-6th grade. Yesterday my kiddos asked what project we'd be doing for our unit on MN's economies (for history). To be honest, I hadn't thought about giving them a project for it; my plan had been to glom it together with the next unit, not giving them a test or project. But since they asked... 

We brainstormed together and they had great ideas! One boy wanted to build a Minecraft world with a lumber mill in it. Another girl wanted to make a video commercial/documentary of a day in the life of a lumberjack. Other kids wanted to do a diorama or a brochure about one of the main industries (lumber, flour milling, and iron mining). Last night I put together a rubric that let them choose what mode to present their information and today I shared it with them. They had TONS of good ideas. A bunch got started during Writers Workshop and a few more had plans to work on them after school today. The Minecraft boy admitted he started building his last night and showed it to me before recess. It looks awesome! So glad they asked about this project! They even voted to present/share them with the class. Awesome!

There was a staff meeting after school. We finished in about an hour, surprisingly! That worked perfectly since one of my friends wanted to have a 'book date' at 4:30. We basically sit around and read together. It's lovely. So I had to book it out of school right away, but I got most of my work done last night after school and this morning. The rest I can do before school tomorrow.

Since it's a new year, I thought I'd share my resolutions with ya'll. They're not exactly New Year Resolutions since they've been goals of mine in December and/or earlier, but they're things I want to focus on... 
  1. Go to bed earlier.
  2. Get up without pressing the snooze button.
  3. Drink all the water in my big blue water bottle at school (35oz or so).
  4. Leave school most days between 5-5:30.
So far drinking water and leaving school have been the more successful of my goals, but each day is another chance, so I'll just keep trying!

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