Monday, January 14, 2019

Last Chemistry

Another normal day at school: typical Monday chatter about weekend happenings, excitement about the basketball games, checking the papers in their mailboxes to see how they did on last week's assignments. Over the weekend I checked out a bunch of graphic novels from the Fulda and stuck them in the 'new book' bookshelf without saying anything. They noticed them pretty quick! Since I met with spelling groups today I didn't notice how many of them were claimed by students, but I know a few were snatched right up. Some of the girls have been reading them together for Read to Someone. It's great to hear them putting inflection and tone in the dialogue the characters speak in the books!

Today was the final chapter of our 5-6th grade chemistry book! After this one, we switch to physics. Some kids are excited to be done and some are sad. I enjoy the chemistry experiments, but the physics ones are good too. Actually, I should be getting them in gear for their science fair projects... I introduced the project last week. This Friday is the first due date: project purpose/objective and hypothesis. Some already have their ideas picked out. Others are still working on it.

In other news, with all the financial donations being given to our school, the board of ed decided to give each teacher $500 to spend on things for her classroom. They're ordering VISA gift cards through the SCRIP program. We just have to keep receipts for the things we spend and turn in the envelope once the money is spent. Woohoo! More books!!! I've been toying with the idea of buying a few cheap trac phones from Walmart and downloading the library audiobook app so my kids can listen to audiobooks during Daily 5, but I'm not sold on the idea quite yet. This money would be the perfect thing to pay for them though! I'll have to keep mulling it over.

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