Friday, January 18, 2019

Snow Day!

Technically, it's not a true full snow day; we did come to school for a few hours. I'm really glad we did, what with the end of the quarter and all. A few kids turned in last minute assignments, we got our spelling tests finished, a few more worked on their art projects, said memory, and planned out science fair ideas.

Nicollet already didn't have school today, New Ulm had a half day on the schedule, so it was kind of up to Mr. E if we'd stay all day or not. We kept hearing about more and more schools cancelling, and then we got word that New Ulm was sending their kids home at 11am, not 1pm as originally planned. So if we wanted to use their buses to get our kids home, we'd have to dismiss then too. Cue the scurrying around to get everything finished!

We had roughly a half an hour to cram everything end of the quarter in. I had my kiddos do their spelling tests, then we switched with Mr. E's class so my kids could do math things. I gave the 7-8th graders their spelling tests. And that was it! Everyone went home. Just a few students didn't have everything handed in. I gave them a reprieve until Tuesday, when we next have school. If they don't have their work done, then they'll have to stay after school until it is complete.

I have my papers organized into piles to be corrected, the classroom tidied up, computers shut off... all I have to do is get Joe situated for the long weekend and then I'm taking off. Not going too far today, just my apartment. I'll probably get my grades done while I'm still in 'school mode'. Then I can have the rest of the weekend without the weight of report cards hanging over me.

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