Friday, January 4, 2019


Not the most calm day ever, but we survived. I'm sure glad it's Friday!

The weather was GORGEOUS today... 43 degrees. We had afternoon recess outside and it was splendid. One 6th grader and I shoveled slush into a pile basically all recess, just because. The rest of the class played 'Hunger Games'. Two of the girls started reading the books this week after watching the movie at home. One of them came up with this tag-like game they're calling Hunger Games. I had mixed feelings about the game, but all of them were running and having fun, even the kids who usually sit out at recess and just watch. So I let them play.

The clipboards have been falling off the tall shelf I keep them on with increasing frequency. The Christmas tree is right underneath, so there's always at least one ornament knocked off the tree every time it happens. It's driving me nuts! Granted, the tree is coming down next week, but my guess is since my kids are just a little too short to reach up there, things will keep falling.

When I worked at the library over break, my boss let me take some things she had stashed in the closet waiting to be discarded... some pictures/frames, cork board strips for posting things, and some more iron magazine holders. Those magazine holders happen to be perfect for sorting books in my library. I took two and used them to keep the clipboards and whiteboards upright. It looks waaay neater and we won't have any more things sliding off the shelf!

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