Wednesday, March 27, 2024

A Few Final Words

 Mrs. M had some gems to share at our meeting... 

A favorite nugget... the day she and her husband came to talk to the class about their daughter's birth, even though he only witnessed me 'being teacher' for a minute or two, her husband said to her as they left, "I can tell Mrs. H is a good teacher. She has a strong presence." 

Another gem, this one from a student to her at church (the rapper, a son of the other pastor)... "Mrs. M, I'm glad you're coming back, but you should reconsider how you teach us religion. I like how Mrs. H does it. We are actually learning stuff." 😬 

She questioned him further and he said, "We actually read the bible! And then we talk about it; we don't have to write stuff down." 

To provide further explanation, when she taught, she would read the bible with them a few verses at a time and go through the Christlight curriculum packet in sections, as it's mapped out to do. That's what I had done too in the beginning. However, I've found that you can keep a better picture in your head of what's happening in the stories if you read bigger chunks at once. So we did that, reading the entire story, and then went through the packet all at once. There are a lot of good details to add as you read, plus maps to draw, plus diagrams to demonstrate concepts, all of which generate questions, which leads to great discussions. And not much writing. So towards the end of my time, we abandoned the packets and just read the bible. So that's what we think he meant. 😅

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