Sunday, June 23, 2024

Battle With the Deer and Rain

The deer won another round. Overnight, they munched on whatever we didn't have fenced (the hostas and sumac) and even the fruit trees with fences. 

They got our apricot again, which had regrown a bunch of leaves and was looking good after their last attack.

They pushed through the fence around our honeycrisp tree to enjoy those leaves. The deer net completely ripped away from the post. 

Some of the fences must have been too short or not far enough away because it looks like they just reached over the net. Ugh! Is it time to fence our whole property yet???

We have some liquid fence in our garage I've been procrastinating messing with. After seeing the casualties of this last round, I decided the time had come. I read the instructions, found our sprayer, and... there was some kind of liquid still in it. 

Hmm... We don't spray our lawn with chemicals (or anything really 😅), but this sprayer was left by G's parents, so it's possible the liquid is herbicide. Better not chance it. 

I called G to see if he remembered what was inside. He didn't. He also said I should just wait to spray the deer fence because there is another round of rain coming. 

As our rain gauge shows, we got 4.5 inches Thursday into Friday. 

Our pasture is maxed out on absorbing water; there are a few puddles here and there and the ground mushes where you walk. City streets are flooding and the city is shutting them down. Thankfully, we're not in a low area, so aside from construction, the roads by us are not affected. But my sister almost got flooded in at work Friday!

Yesterday's other band of storms brought 3 more inches of rain. 😬

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