Saturday, June 15, 2024

Finished Fencing

It's been on my list to redo the deer fencing around our orchard. The deer haven't been coming through at night (or we haven't noticed them), so that task hasn't been pressing. But the tall grass got to me, so I redid them. Now each tree/shrub has its own fence. 

The strawberries are to the left of the white fence in the right of the picture. Right now they are not enclosed... They're not very visible, so I think the deer won't pay attention to them.

G hung up the fencing in the gap in the north pasture. It's not completely attached, but it's tight enough for the goats to graze there without us worrying about them getting out.

Since the grass/alfalfa is so luscious, we need to slowly acclimate the goats to their new environment or they could bloat. They got to graze for a half an hour the first night and a few hours the next day. We'll build them up until their guts adjust. How many goats can you see in the picture? 

The ducks are growing a ton. G's cousin came over to give them a treat: frozen peas in water. In addition to being tasty, the water/pea combo teaches them to dive. 


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