Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Our ducklings are humongous. They've grown so much the past five days. They're in what I fondly call "the dinosaur stage". Still have fluffy down, but it's getting skraggly, their feet and bodies are huge, and their heads have not kept up proportionally. They toddle around like dinosaurs roaming the lawn. 

It's been rainy and the ducks have mushed the grass to mud. G and I moved the trampoline across the driveway. I picked a spot I want to turn into a hosta bed so if they completely demolish the grass, it's actually helpful.

This grass was quite long and seeding out, and the poultry went hog wild pecking at the seeds. They weren't ravenous when we fed them their daily chick starter.

Here they are, content in their new location.


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