Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Ready, Set, Bake!

I never intend to bake the whole day, but some days are like that...

It started when I cleaned out the upstairs freezer to make Crock-Pot soup and found a package of flour I had forgotten about. The idea continued when I realized we didn't have any bread in the house and that my sourdough starter needed refreshing. 

Cue up the computer to find a recipe! I came across a site that listed one called "the easiest sourdough discard bread recipe you'll ever make". It used a Dutch oven for baking, which I have and don't use very often. 

I actually have two starters, so I needed to find another recipe. That website had links for hot dog and hamburger bun sourdough discard recipes (always good to have on hand in the summer). There was also a recipe for sandwich bread made from sourdough discard. Amazingly, I could make all four recipes with the amount of discard I had. So I did. 

The multiple recipe baking day worked better than I expected. I finished mixing up one recipe and started the next while it rose. By the time I finished mixing up the last recipe, the first recipe was ready to shape for its second rise. The timing just kept working out! After the second rise it was time to put it in the oven, and they all baked one after another. 

Even better, the oven temperature started out high with my first recipe and then got lower with subsequent recipes. Inadvertently, I had made them in order of decreasing oven temperature for baking. 😳

The recipes gave an average rise time, and one of their comments was that it would take longer if your house is cold or air conditioned. It's pretty hot and steamy today so the air conditioner is actually running. Buuuut... outside is the perfect temperature to proof bread. I labeled each bowl with the recipe name and left them outside for about an hour each.

After shaping, I covered them with a towel and set them back out there. It's so humid they didn't dry out. 

Before baking: the hamburger buns and sandwich loaf went in at the same time.

"The easiest sourdough discard recipe you'll ever use." It looks small because I made a double recipe and didn't weigh the dough when I cut it in half. 

Hotdog buns! 

Finished sandwich loaf, hamburger buns, the first sourdough loaf, and the hotdog buns.

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