Monday, June 17, 2024

Lilac Sugar

I kind of forgot about the lilac sugar... It was ready at least two weeks ago. It's just sugar and lilac blossoms, so I figured nothing would go bad.

It definitely smells like lilacs! It's very clumpy though. I did a quick Google search to troubleshoot.

Unfortunately, it appears the recipe I originally used didn't give complete instructions. I was supposed to shake the jar every day or two, and as the flowers shriveled and turned brown, I was supposed to take them out.

Since I did not, the juice from the petals seeped into the sugar and stuck the grains together. 

Answer: use a spoon and a sieve to separate the flower petals from the sugar and to break up the chunks. It took way longer than I expected. But the end results are satisfactory! 

It seemed too wasteful to toss the petals with sugar residue in the trash, so instead I did a secondary fermentation in a batch of plain kombucha. Plop the flowers in and wait! I'll test the flavor in a few days. 

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