Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Surprise: Results

Well, we pulled off the surprise! 

G got home around 10pm and it was indeed too dark for him to see much outside. He did notice the dirty/wet fence post pounder in the garage. 

That was one of the first things he asked about when he got inside. "What were you pounding? Where did you put a post in? How many did you do?" I answered cagily and tried to change the subject so I wouldn't have to lie. 

He brought it up a few more times, but each time I evaded answering. The secret was safe until morning!

As I suspected, the first thing he did after getting up was to look out the window. 

"Emily, what did you do?" 
"What are you talking about?" (I was in the kitchen getting breakfast ready).
"You know what I'm talking about!"
"No, I don't. What do you mean?"
"Yes you do! ...Who helped you? Was it Grant?"

Again, I didn't answer. He continued to guess:
"Your dad? No, not your dad. Hmm... Did you hire it done? Is that why we don't have any money???" (He was joking; we're doing completely fine financially 😂).

He walked over to the sliding door that looks out towards my in-law's house. "AHA! I see Grant rocking in a chair in the living room! I knew you had help!" 

G was impressed by all that we finished. He has a few tweaks he wants to do, but overall he gave it the thumbs up. One big bummer is that TSC continues to be out of our fencing and will be out for another few weeks. Thankfully, the Worthington TSC had some in stock. My dad picked some up for us and will bring it this weekend. Hopefully the north pasture can be finished next week! 

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