Thursday, June 6, 2024

Treats on a Hot Day

You can see how much our goats like to climb. I often see them like this when I pop out to check on them. One of our summer plans is to redo the shed, so it won't be like this for long. I'll have to come up with some sort of climbing hill outside this summer to take the place of the wood pile and shelf.

Our garage got stinky from the ducks being ducks, so I relocated them to the goat shed. Once again, that dog kennel comes in handy! They are enjoying their new space so far. The goats tolerate them and I haven't noticed Mopsy checking them out. Maybe they'd be safe to free range, but I'm worried about the goats stepping on them or them squeezing through the fencing. We'll wait until they're a little bigger. The logs around the bottom are to keep the ducks from squeezing out. The gray tub on top is to keep the goats from jumping up. I don't think they would, but you never know, and we've learned 'better safe than sorry' is an accurate statement! 

It was quite hot for a day this week. A friend of mine cleaned out her freezer and had some ice encrusted zucchini to share. The chicks enjoyed pecking at it. 
Although these pictures don't show it well, the goats gobbled it up too. Ilsa took great, gigantic chomps. My former students always talked about Joe the tortoise having great ASMR... well he's got nothing on these goats! Whew! Loud chompers!

 Today I gave them watermelon chunks as a treat. The goats of course scarfed it up. The chicks went straight for the seeds. The ducks pecked a while before they figured it out. You can see the craters from their beaks in the picture below.

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