Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Camper, Two Tents, and Miracle Whip

Today is prep day for the first Holzhueter Homestead Sleepover (no, we haven't named our homestead yet, that's just a working title 😜). Our friends from Marshall are making the trek tomorrow with their entire entourage of children. Sleeping arrangements: two tents in the front yard for the most adventurous, a popup camper for the semi-adventurous, and the guest bedroom for the not adventurous (and couches if there are more not adventurers vs. adventurers). 

I'm very impressed with myself. Most of the food is prepped for the three meals they'll be with us (veggies and cheese sliced, meat to grill thawing, ingredients for the pasta salad ready to go). I'm making a Heintz summer favorite for lunch, Summer Salad, which uses Miracle Whip as the dressing. Problem: no Miracle Whip in the house and this recipe definitely needs MW to taste the best. I could buy a container, but we both prefer mayo and we don't use either condiment often. So... can I make it from scratch? Answer: yes.

Here's the recipe I used. 

I made the first batch with olive oil (the recipe calls for canola oil). I know Galen, I should've stuck with the original instructions. 🙄 I was trying to be healthier. It came together well, but it's a yellowy green color and the taste is slightly off, not bad, but different than actual MW. Since that taste is central to the recipe, I made a second batch this time following the recipe to a T (although, I did cut the recipe in half, so is that following it to a T???). Batch #2 turned out much more like storebought MW though I can still taste the difference. Maybe I'm missing the preservatives? TBD how this works out in Summer Salad. Stay tuned!

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